Chapter 22: The Roman Camp: Part One: Reyna

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Chapter Twenty-two: The Roman Camp: Part One: Reyna



Let’s just say… the journey didn’t start out too well. Once we got to the bottom of the hill, Nico… well he told us what we had to do. I didn’t mind, but Connor…

“I’m not holding your hand Goth Boy.” Connor said with a disgusted look on his face.

Nico smiled. “Fine. That works out better for me and Zoe then.”

Connor grimaced. “Couldn’t I just hold Zoe’s hand instead of yours?”

Nico smirked. “Sorry, but I don’t know how well it would go over. Shadow Travel takes a lot out of me, and if it didn’t work and you didn’t make it through, well, I wouldn’t come back for you.”

Connor groaned. “Ugh. Fine. But I’m not happy about this and I won’t enjoy it one bit.”

“Which is exactly why I am going to enjoy it.”

I just rolled my eyes at the two. “Yes, Nico, we know how excited you are to hold Connor’s hand, but please, can we get going?” I asked with a smile.

He came closer to me. “Maybe I just don’t want him holding your hand.”

I smiled and pecked my lips to his. “You’re so evil sometimes.” I said to him.

He grabbed both of our hand. “Alright, you guys ready? Just so I warn you… this won’t be pleasant.”

Before either me or Connor could reply, we were sucked into a shadow. It wasn’t all so unpleasant. I could see how someone could think it was. There were lots of monster noises, and I swear that one brushed against my leg. I made a little squeak when that happened, and Nico held me tighter. “Don’t let go of me, no matter what. Both of you.” He said. I nodded. “Connor?”

“S-sure.” I heard him stutter. I felt something trail along my back and I shuddered. They were beginning to touch me more. “Um… Nico… Are we almost there?” I asked him.

“Yes,” he said. “Only about a minute left.”

A minute while Shadow Traveling feels like forever. But at last, we reached light. I don’t understand how the whole Shadow Travel thing works, but it wasn’t fun. I looked to Nico, he was extremely pale. “Nico, are you okay?” Connor asked him, as I walked closer to him.

“Uh… yeah. I’ll… I’ll be fine.” he said.

“That’s not what he asked you.” I said.

He looked at me. “Trust me. I’ll be fine. I’ve done this plenty of times. Just not with this many people.” he said, looked slightly down.

I studied his face for a moment. “Well… if you say you’ll be okay, I believe you. Are you ready to go to the camp? Where ever that may be…” I said looking around. We were on the side of a highway.

He smiled. “We’re here already. It’s just through that door.” he pointed towards the middle of the highway.

“Through that?” Connor asked skeptically.

“Yes through that.” Nico said.

“Well… let’s go then… I guess…” I said walking toward the door in the middle of the highway. There weren’t too many cars, so it was easy to get to the door. There were two kids sitting in front of it. Once they saw us, they stood and pointed their spears at us.

“Don’t come any closer!” barked one of them.

“Who are you!” Barked the other. They both appeared to be big, strong, males.

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