-Two: Console-

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The incident quickly spread throughout the whole school, eventually leading up to many conversations with Harry and I in Dumbledore's office.

If it wasn't clear yet, everyone began to "protect" Harry and stray away from me, seeing as I am the daughter of a "murderer".

No matter how much I try to protest, I can't seem to get through to the students that I'm not dangerous, and neither was my father.

I'm just glad that I had a small circle of people I could trust, Harry, Ron and Hermione. They were the only ones who knew about my last name origins and before that everyone had believed I was "Y/N Lupin".

To make everything worse, Harry and I were forbidden from going to Hogsmeade because of the circumstances.

"But that's not fair!" I'd protest, rather annoyed at Dumbledore as Harry and I were seated in his office before the desk. "My Godfather even signed the permission slip! Why am I forbidden from going?"

"You're Sirius Black's daughter, Y/N!" Dumbledore would exclaim, his tone raising and catching us two students off-guard.
"While you may be safe from him murdering you, there's still a huge risk factor! If the minister finds out about you being his daughter all because of him stealing you from Hogwarts, the school will be shut down AND you'll be tracked down!"

I'd set my jaw, sitting back further into the chair with no further complaints.

"Can't really argue with that now..." I'd mumble, letting my mind wander off.

"As for you Harry..." Dumbledore would continue, although that was the last thing I heard for a while.

I let my eyes stare off at the window, seeing flecks of snow melt off of the rooftops. Spring was fast approaching, so it was the last of snow I would see for a while.

"...two of you are dismissed." Dumbledore's voice snapped me back to reality, and I wouldn't noticed him speaking to us if Harry hadn't prodded my shoulder.

I nodded slowly, rose to my feet and followed Harry out of Dumbledore's office without another word.

"You alright, Y/N?" Harry would inquire after a while, looking into my face with concern.

"Yeah.. I'm fine." I'd reply, my voice trembling.

"Mhm.." Harry would murmur, unconvinced. "I know this is going to be hard for you, but we're in this together, alright?"

My head bobbled briefly as I bit my lower lip to prevent tears from leaking out of the corners of my eyes.

"I'm going to see my da- er- my godfather..." I'd stammer, veering away from my close friend to take the route to Lupin's office.

I could tell that Harry wished to follow me, and comfort me more, but eventually I heard footsteps trailing off in the opposite direction.

As soon as I heard no one else lingering in the corridors, I bolted to the DATDA room, to which my godfather's room would be connected to. I felt hot tears drip down my flushed cheeks, and I couldn't contain myself anymore.

"DAD-" I'd shriek as I shoved the classroom door open. I hadn't even noticed I referred to Lupin in such an abnormal way, since my tears and concerns were keeping me occupied.

Eventually I saw his door to his office open, startled by the loud noise I was creating. I glanced up at him, starting to sob as I ran up the short staircase.  I flung myself into his arms, crying uncontrollably. I felt his hand on the back of my head, pulling me in closer to him and letting my tears soak into his shirt.

"Y/N..." my godfather would murmur after a short while, and I forced my tears to subside. "What's the matter?"

I sniffled, pulling back slightly to wipe my nose with the corner of my sleeve. I guiltily spotted his chest, the shirt now soaked where I cried fervently into.

"It's- my dad."

"Mm.." Lupin immediately hummed softly. "I figured it was so. You must be terrified, huh?"

I'd pause, letting a silent tear creep down my face. "Well... actually no."

I saw a brow raise on my godfather's face, so I went in and explained myself.

"I'm- concerned for Harry. Judging by the fact that my dad may be trying to kill him." I'd begin. Lupin only acknowledged this with a small nod.

"But- I kinda want to meet him."

These words made Lupin go stiff in place.

"Y/N. That's a very serious topic." He'd frown, his expression immediately changing. "I don't wish for you to speak of that subject again."


"No buts." Lupin protested, causing me to go slack and disappointed.

"If you wish, you may bunk in my room for the night. However, I will not care to speak of you meeting your father. That is out of the picture. Understood?"

I'd pause, looking into my godfather's face. He looked so stern and intimidating with his frowned smile and lingering scars. Although, I do think I saw a small glint of sorrow flicker across his gaze. I had no idea why but I just solemnly agreed and followed him into the singular dorm room.

If my godfather wouldn't let me see my real father, I'd have to take matters into my own hands...

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