-Four: Heal-

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"NO!!" my chest stung as I screamed at the top of my lungs.

As Lupin made an effort to dodge the spell, I noticed he wasn't quick enough. He was sent crashing backwards into the corridor wall, slamming up against it with a one-chilling THUD.

I dashed over to my godfather, bringing his head away from the wall and into my arms. A line of blood trickled across his hairline, falling into his shut eyes. His wand had been flung down the hallway, and his right hand that had wielded it looked shattered from the impact.

"YOU MONSTER-" I'd sob, turning my gaze towards where Snape was. However, he wasn't there anymore. He had fled from the scene, leaving me behind with my godfather clinging onto consciousness.

"You better have at least a scrap of memory left..." I'd manage to croak out, crying even more than I was before. My chest felt as though it was going to explode, and I simply just sat there, cradling his head gently.

I'd hardly even noticed how much time had passed, for what I remembered next was my eyes opening to glance at a white ceiling. I rubbed my closed eyelids with a knuckle, sitting upright to find that my godfather wasn't with me anymore. Instead, I was laying in a white bed with my right ankle wrapped up.

"Madam Pomfrey!" I heard a familiar voice call out from nearby me. "She's awake!"

Soon I saw the nurse turn around the hospital wing curtain surrounding my bed on both sides. I had hardly even noticed that Harry was sitting beside my bed, along with Ron. 

"Hello dear, are you feeling better?" Madam Pomfrey asked me, trying to be as gentle as possible.

"N- er, yes." I stammered, sitting back a little more. I awkwardly looked at my two friends beside me, who of which seemed concerned yet relieved.

"What the bloody hell happened to you Y/N?" Ron asked, his face red with fret.

I'd inhale, gritting my teeth to prevent myself from swearing. 

"Sna- Professor Snape happened..."

I was the two boys exchange looks but they didn't have time to inquire further.

"Where the hell is my godfather?" I demanded towards the nurse, whom of which was about to walk away. "Is he fine?"

Madam Pomfrey was quiet for a moment before speaking. 

"He's in the bed closest to the doors. His external wounds are getting better, however he hasn't woken up yet."

"How long have I- we- been here?"

"Around 4 hours hon."

Panic struck me in the chest. 4 hours? Surely the rest of the professors and students had returned from Hogsmeade.

'That must be why Ron's here...'

I soon noticed. I'd missed my opportunity to tell Dumbledore about what happened. He wouldn't believe me now, especially since my godfather's memory had most likely been erased.

I made a move to get out of the bed, to which I was stopped abruptly by Harry and Ron.

"You're not supposed to be getting up yet!" Harry informed me after he had walked around the bed to make sure I stayed on it.

"Why!? I need to see my godfather! I need to see Lupin!" I'd protest, wiping my tear stained face with a sleeve.

Ron was quiet now, leaving Harry to do the talking for both of them.

"Madam Pomfrey told us that your ankle was potentially sprained. You're not supposed to walk on it for a while. You were going to stay here overnight."

"Sprained?" I'd let out a humorous laugh. "I did nothing to receive one!"

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