-Eleven: Reveal-

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"You were here?!" Hermione gasped, eyes widened and hands trembling. "WITH HIM?"

"The whole time?" Harry inquired, yet he was more subtle about his shock.

I said nothing else, because Harry instantly swiped his wand from his pocket. He stepped forwards, pointing it directly at Sirius' chest.

"You're so much like your father..." Sirius mumbled, staring down at Harry with a shake in his head.

"What is that supposed to mean!?" Harry's face contorted in rage. "YOU killed him! You sold him to Voldemort!"

"I did not!" Sirius spat, trying desperately to prove himself. "Look! if you lower your wand, only one person will have to die tonight."

Harry's chest heaved up and down in annoyance, eyes narrowed and flicking from me to Sirius and back again.

"You're right," Harry muttered, lowering his wand. "Only one person has to die tonight."

He acted as if he were giving up, but instead he lunged at Sirius and the two tussled and fell to the ground. 

"HARRY!" Ron and Hermione screamed, trying to get him to get off of my father. As for me, I did nothing. Sirius knew this would happen so I just watched in amusement as the two wrestled on the ground. Harry wouldn't kill Sirius. I knew it.

Eventually, Harry ended up on top with his wand raised once more. With his other hand pinned down on my father's chest, he stared down at him in fury. The two were covered in dust and dirt from the filthy floorboards and it only gave me more to laugh about.

Just as Harry was about to scream once more, a creaking sound erupted from the room just below the one we were all in. I raised my wand, turning to the door that lead to the stairwell.

"WE'RE UPSTAIRS!" Hermione screeched. "WITH SIRIUS BLACK!!"

I turned to her with a fierce gaze, eyes widened in annoyance and she immediately shrunk back.

Soon, the door burst open and none other than Lupin ran in. 

"EXPELLIARMUS!" he shrieked and the wand from Harry's hand flew to the other side of the room. 

I flashed a small, weak smile at my godfather and I quickly noticed him scan over my slightly disheveled appearance. He said nothing though and just simply turned to my father. Harry had backed up, and now Lupin was the one to point a wand at Sirius.

"Finally the flesh reflects the madness within." Lupin recited, frowning down upon the dust-covered wizard.

"Well, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you Remus?" Sirius replied, encouraging my godfather to smile.

Lupin did and then proceeded to hold out a hand to help him up. The two locked into a tight hug and I myself had to hide my smile. I knew. I knew the truth. I knew the backstory behind their close friendship. Harry did not. Nor did Hermione or Ron. Their faces at that moment, were priceless.

"Oh Y/N!" Lupin exclaimed as he pulled apart from Sirius. He wrapped me up into a hug too, grasping the back of my head with a hand and my upper back with the other.

"Enough of this talk, Remus!" Sirius impatiently whined. "Let's kill him!"

"Wait!" Lupin ordered Sirius, stepping away from me to glare at him.

"I DID MY WAITING!" my father yelled. "12 years of waiting! Locked up in Azkaban!"

"Very well..." Lupin sighed, turning towards the three startled teenagers.





My eyes widened as I watched the tiny rat that Ron had held not a moment before morph into a short, balding man. 

"Remus! Sirius!" his eyes lit up. "My old friends...!" 

With a quick, large step he tried to dash for the exit. I bounded over and stood in front of it, glaring him down as my father and godfather pulled him back.

"Oh! Oh dear Y/N Black..." Pettigrew's eyes landed on me in front of him. He slowly walked towards me, and both of my fathers flashed each other a fretful glance.

"Such a pretty young lady..." Peter tried to butter me up, crouching in front of me to plead. "Surely- you wouldn't want your father to kill me? And your godfather too? R-right..."

"Step away from her!" Lupin scowled when he was mentioned. Once more, the two of them tried  to pull him away from me and the exit.

But Pettigrew wasn't done trying. 

"Harry..." he murmured, turning to my right. "So young... you look just like your father-"

"DON'T SAY A WORD ABOUT HIS FATHER!" Sirius blurted, getting visibly more irritated with Pettigrew. 

For the last time, the two of them tugged Pettigrew away from us and thrusted him towards the large table resting beside the wall. I shuffled my hands around in my cloak pockets, desperately trying to reach for my wand. The three former friends were going off at each other now, in a two versus one.

I hadn't even realized what was happening, since I was still trying to find my wand lingering somewhere on me. Pettigrew had squeezed under the table was making a run for the door since I was not paying attention. Finally, I caught hold of my wand and just as he shouldered past me and I screamed:


The short man collapsed, now entwined with the cords sprung from my wand's tip.

"Well done, Y/N!" Lupin complimented me, walking over to pat my shoulder. "That was done beautifully."

I smiled up at him, leaning in to give him a small, side-hug once more.

"I've missed you, kiddo." Lupin murmured with a small, subtle smile.

"Remus-" I began, a large grin on my face. He looked down at me, unfamiliar with me calling him by his first name and not "dad". "-my office was downstairs."

With a laugh, he gently ruffled the hair atop my head with his knuckle. 

At last, the large group of us set off, the unconscious Pettigrew and Snape tied tightly to some.

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