-Fourteen: Adapt-

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I couldn't see. Not well at least. My gaze was foggy as if I were wearing glasses in the cold winter air. Ringing blazed through my eardrums, giving me an odd sensation as if I had just hit my head on a rock. I made myself sit up, pressing my palms down into the bed I laid on.

"Where am I~" I mumbled, my vision starting to clear up as I wearily looked around.

"No, no, no- stay down dear." A soft voice murmured to me, and a head with bright orange hair came into view. I figured that this had to be Ron's mother, since the resemblance was uncanny.

"What's happened?" I asked her, obeying her command.

"You've been badly injured," she replied gently, flinching a little as I winced as I came back down. "Mainly on your back and neck. You've been out for 2 hours."

"2 hours?" I inquired, my eyes widening. Not even a few seconds ago it had felt like I was just taken down by my godfather's werewolf version of himself.

Just as I remembered the vicious flashback, I noticed my godfather not far away from me. He was sitting in a chair by the foot of my bed, silent and subdued. His face was damp from tears and his eyes were a deep red. He was focused, very intently on the bottom of the bed, as if he reading something on it.

"Remus!" A low voice echoed from outside the room. All heads turned towards the call but his. 

Dumbledore appeared in the doorway shortly, and Mr. Weasley opened it for him. "Remus. A word?" He repeated.

Lupin looked up now, not even noticing that I had woken up yet. He rose slowly from his chair and shuffled over to the door with heavy feet. As he exited the room, Dumbledore turned to look at my bed and gave me a small wink.
I assumed it was to assure me that everything was going to be fine, but I didn't quite pick that up.

The monitor vibrated beside me, startling me as it beeped in sync with the door closing. The beeping continued to get more rapid, causing the remainder of wizards and witches in the room to all turn towards it in fright.

Mrs. Weasley backed up, scurrying over to my other side to give my hand a gentle squeeze. Some of the Wizarding equivalent to doctors ran over, mumbling to each other in rushed voices.

My heart beat fast in my chest, and I fought to stay awake. My heart was moving so fast that I felt I had just ran for my life.

'Is it trying to shut down my body for some reason?'

Molly's hand squeezed mine even tighter as she grew more and more nervous.

Eventually, one of the wizards turned away from the screen and looked right at Molly Weasley. "Let go of her hand. You've got to let what happens, happen."

Reluctantly, she did.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" McGonagall came to my aid, also clearly fretful at this statement.

"Her heart is beating faster in order to shut her body down and flush out the contamination from the werewolf. If we don't let her, there's a chance..."

He stopped at this. It was clear to both of the witches what he was trying to say. For me, not really.

"What? What chance?" I blurted out, sitting up slightly. "What contamination from m- the werewolf?"

Mrs. Weasley made an attempt to walk closer to me, but McGonagall held me back. "We can't tell her!" My professor ordered.

"Why not?!" I protested, growing more and more annoyed.

"SHE'LL BE A WHAT?" A loud, trembling voice shrieked from outside. One that I assumed was my godfather's.

"Shush!" Dumbledore spat back, before both of their voices dropped out of earshot again.

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" I whined.

Once again, all heads turned but didn't speak.

I pursed my lips and set my jaw, just waiting for someone to crack and tell me everything. But that didn't happen.

So while the beeping noise echoed in my ears, my weak conscious tried to put two and two together.

'Contamination from a werewolf... heart beating faster... there will be a chance- what chance?? Wait...'

Hastily, I turned my head to check my left shoulder, which I hadn't even noticed had been bandaged up and wrapped in gauze. 

"Did he-" I murmured, and out of the vision of the fretful witches and wizards, I pulled down the wrap carefully. My sleeve from my shirt was torn, and beneath it lay two large, bloody teeth marks. My godfather (in his werewolf form) had bit me.

I felt faint wash over my head, and I grew dizzy once more. My world spun, and the ringing sensation of the monitors beeping diminished. I stared at the empty chair my godfather had left behind, and in my mind I heard him.  I heard him howling out in agony, grief, sorrow. I heard his comforting words to me growing up, from the age of 2 all the way to the last day I set foot in his home before school. 

I was so zoned out, I never even realized that Molly was back at my side, along with McGonagall, Harry and Hermione. Spaced out further behind them was Dumbledore and Lupin.

"Y/N... you alright?" Hermione murmured softly, her hand resting on my arm. 

I bobbled my head slowly, not taking my eyes off of the chair. 

The others mumbled to each other, and I felt their eyes settle upon my unwrapped shoulder eventually. Muffled crying was what snapped me back into focus, and I looked around to get a good look at each person. Aside from minimal scratches on Harry and Hermione's faces and torsos, everyone was perfectly fine and healed. 

My godfather however, I soon noticed, was now on the verge of collapsing because of how much his body convulsed. He was the one crying again. Dumbledore steered him away from my view at my brief eye contact with him, leaving me with the others. 

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." Harry said to me suddenly. I turned my gaze to him, giving him a solemn nod. "I wish I could've done something sooner. I was- scared."

"It's not your fault." I bluntly replied, my voice getting caught in my throat. 'It's my godfather's.' I added on silently.

I didn't want to blame him, but part of me was churning in rage because of him. I was now supposed to be condemned to live a life like his, miserable once a month, forced to remember to keep a stock of potions, and go back to the school and pretend like this never happened. 

'No. It won't. I won't allow it.'

My body gave in to a massive shudder, and I started to see darkness enclosing the corners of my eyes. "No..." I croaked, fighting to stay awake. 

"Don't try to fight it, Y/N." the same wizard from before informed me, his hand laying on my right ankle. "Relax. Relax."

Relaxing was the last thing I wanted to do right now. It seemed impossible to now that I figured out the truth. 

'Don't faint, don't faint, don't faint...'  I urged myself on, writhing in the sheets to ignore the agony forcing me asleep.

"Y/N... listen to him." McGonagall piped up, although she was clearly having a hard time saying it as well. 

My chest heaved as it burned painfully. My eyes watered. All muscles in my body tensed up. Until suddenly, the cries of my godfather didn't seem to exist anymore.

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