-Fifteen: Close-

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Woosh... Catch. Woosh... Catch. 

Ron threw the small, rubber ball above his head and caught it lazily. Did he stop only when the doors to the Hospital Wing swung open. 

At this point, Ron had safely been returned to Hogwarts, fully healed. However, Madam Pomfrey insisted on him being with her for the night just in case. He was bored out of his mind, just waiting for the night to pass. 

"We're here to see Ron." a female voice spoke to Madam Pomfrey.

"Only two visitors at a time, correct?" the grumpy nurse rumbled.

"Yes, yes, we know. It's just Harry and I, alright?" the female voice replied. Ron immediately recognized it as Hermione's.

"Hermione?" Ron asked, and soon enough both her and Harry came bounding over to him.

"Ron!" she exclaimed, hugging him tight. "I haven't seen you in ages!"

"It was only a few days, 'mione. Not even!" Ron huffed, getting squeezed to death by the strong girl.

"Well it's great to see you again regardless, Ron." Harry grinned, patting him gently on the back. 

"Glad to know you two are alright..." Ron let out a relieved exhale. "I've been both bored out of my mind and worried sick!" he paused for a long moment, letting Hermione and Harry bend over in laughter. Afterwards, the smile dropped off his face. "What about Y/N? Is she not here because Madam Pomfrey didn't let her? Mrs. 'Two Visitors At A Time'?"

Harry seized his laughing and shot a glance towards Hermione. "You tell him." Harry remarked, sitting down in a plastic folding chair beside his bed.

Hermione huffed, clearly not wanting this responsibility. "Fine."

She turned to Ron, resting a hand on his left wrist before speaking. "I'm sure you remember... that night. Y/N was attacked by Professor Lupin, yes?"

Ron nodded slowly and remained quiet. He was rather intrigued by where this was going.

"After she was... and the whole thing settled down, we took her, Sirius and Harry back to Hogwarts, remember?"

"Yeah... Harry passed out from the dementors." Ron murmured.

Hermione only bobbled her head before continuing. "You and her were taken to St. Mungo's and Sirius and Harry recovered here. However, Sirius is now trapped up in one of the top-most towers, awaiting his fate which will happen tonight. That's besides the point..."

She paused her rant, chest heaving once. "Y/N... woke up eventually. But she was contaminated from the large wounds on her back and the bite on her shoulder from Lupin. There was a big chance she would become a werewolf as well."

"You're joking?" Ron's eyes grew wide, and he sat up more in the bed.

"No. I'm not. We still have no idea if she really is going to be a werewolf or not, but Dumbledore knows. He's returning soon with her as well as McGonagall and Lupin. Lupin stayed at St. Mungo's for the days she was there, anticipating the worst. Most of the classes turned into Study Halls since a lot of the professors were having meetings with Dumbledore most often. Harry and I were excused from any class so that we could visit you and Y/N..."

"All of this- happened when I was in the hospital?" Ron blurted out, baffled and concerned. "Bloody hell..."

"Only two visitors at a time!" Madam Pomfrey shrieked in annoyance from around the sliding divider. Hermione and Harry quickly made to push it back towards the wall, confused who else was here. 

Dumbledore came striding up to them, as well as Professor McGonagall.

"Greetings Harry, Hermione." Dumbledore said calmly. "Hello to you as well, Ron. Glad to see your leg is healing nicely."

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