-Six: Locate-

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"GERROFF ME-" I'd sputter, spinning around to my side to rid the weight of his hand from my head. I soon noticed that he had pinned one of my legs to the ground using one of his own so I swung out my free leg towards his. I heard him let out a gasp, and I was freed. I quickly bounded to my feet, shoving a hand inside my robe pocket until my fingers made contact with my wand.

"Y/N... relax." the man would laugh, his facial features finally coming into view from a sliver of moonlight glittering through the trees.

He had dark circles beneath his eyes and his form was very skinny. Dark clots of dust spotted his face, hands and neck but just beneath the dirt you could see black and blue bruises. However, despite the many blemishes covering his face, his eyes glittered with energy and his long, dark hair swished behind him. Just as mine does...

I swallowed, loosening the grip upon the wand I held in my pocket.

"I must say," he'd continue. "Your reflexes are on point. Guess I know where you got that from though."

"You're- Sirius Black...? Aren't you?" I'd stammer, different emotions stirring inside me.

"Took you long enough! Never mind, maybe you're a bit slower than I thought Y/N." Sirius would grin, reaching out a long-fingered hand towards me.

I took a small step back, with my head slightly shaking to the side.

"No.. you aren't. It- it can't be." I'd murmur, in disbelief that I had finally met my father after 13 years.

"Come on! I've already admitted it." He'd remark, still gesturing with his hand for me to come closer. "Plus, how would I know your name?"

"That's a good question." I'd retort bluntly. "How DO you remember my name? If you are my father..."

Sirius only smiled at me, and then proceeded to tap his head with a pointer finger.

"Azkaban didn't screw me up THAT badly." he'd reply with a grin, although I could tell that in his gaze, there was a sense of pain and grief.

I completely let go of the wand in my pocket, in order to hide the cheerful tears from flowing. My father gestured towards me once more and I took the opportunity. I rushed forth, flinging my arms around him into a tight embrace. Sirius hugged me back, and I grew really emotional.

My father. My real father. Was right here before me, hugging me tight as if we were old friends.

"You've grown up so much..." Sirius murmured softly in my ear, and I soon felt a wet tear drip down onto my shoulder.

After a long while, I pulled apart from him, wiping my watering eyes with a hand.

"Siriu- Dad?" I'd stutter slightly, feeling awkward calling anyone but Lupin "dad".


"What- do you want with Harry exactly..? Harry Potter." I'd ask, fearing an answer.

My father was quiet for a moment, and he didn't have the time to answer. A loud, concerned voice erupted from nearby the castle.


I spun around, chest heaving in alarm. The crunching of leaves behind me signified movement, causing me to instinctively turn around. Sirius had backed away, clearly recognizing the voice somehow. At one point, I thought I heard him mumble, "Remus... can't see me."

"Dad!" I'd call quietly to him, only briefly seeing the back of his head vanishing in the undergrowth.

"Y/N!!!" the voice called again. Biting my lip and forcing myself away from the forest, I quickly scampered out to the tree line. I followed the sound of their voice, continuing along to make my way towards Hogwarts once more.

The trees rustled behind me in the direction I had just left. I solemnly flashed a glance behind me, noticing that the noises were fading off far from where I was heading.

The voice called out to me again, although this time it seems louder and- as if multiple people were saying it...?

"Y/NN!" "Y/N!" "OH Y/NNNN!?"

I quickly bounded past Hagrid's cabin, making my way up the hill towards where I had overheard the echoing calls.

"Look!" I heard a new person exclaim as I hiked the side of the hill. Footsteps trodded towards me, and I looked up into the eyes of many.

My godfather was at the head of the pack, which explained Sirius' mumbling of his first name from before. Closely followed to his left were McGonagall and Dumbledore and much to my dismay, on his right side, Snape.

Lupin pulled me in towards him, but I didn't return the hug. I was blinded by a short circuit of anger towards him for frightening off my father in the first place. When he pulled back, he rested both of his hands beneath my chin, gazing over my face with concern.

"Y/N! Your face... where'd you get these cuts from?!" he'd murmur.

Baffled, I reached my left hand up to where he was looking and I felt a large gash defined along my jawline. Blood poured down onto my hand, but I just shook it off.

"I-I don't know..."

"Y/N." Dumbledore looked me straight in the face, not bothering to ask if I was alright. "Didn't I just tell the other students that wandering off at this time was strictly forbidden?"

I thought I heard a small snicker come from Snape, but I ignored it.

"Yes.." I'd mumble, knowing that it would be useless to lie.

"And after my words, you still went off on your own without an adult beside you?"


McGonagall shook her head at me and Snape crossed his arms. Lupin backed away from me briefly, turning towards Dumbledore. While he said nothing to the headmaster, I figured he was indicating something in his sharp look.

"Come along now..." Dumbledore remarked after a short while, beckoning me forward with a hand. I gritted my teeth quietly at seeing this. After all, my real father had just addressed me in a similar manner only moments before.

I reluctantly walked towards him, taking up a position on his left side. On my other, Lupin trailed closely behind me. My throat suddenly felt hoarse and my chest tight. I wanted to scream. To lash out at the four professors trailing along with me in a tight knit manner for scaring off my father. The one chance I thought I would actually get to see him.

'He never answered your question.' A little voice in my head retorted.

'He could be dangerous!' Another foretold.

'After all, you are pretty rebellious.' A third scoffed.

As much as I hated to listen to my inner demons, they were right. I had no background information on the 13 years of what happened to him in Azkaban. He could be severely dangerous and a threat to all of Hogwarts. Did I just risk the school's safety by talking to him?

As we neared the doors of the school, I turned my gaze towards where I had seen my real father. And for a second, I could've sworn there was a big black dog, looking right back at me.

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