-Ten: Plan-

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"What does that mean?? What do you mean, you "messed up"?!" Sirius shouted at me, dropping the cup he held onto the small, off-balanced table. 

"He knows! He knows it!" I gasped, trembling. "I know he knows!"



The screaming fit ended, and Sirius and I blankly stared back at one another for a moment. I bit my lip and he pursed his. With a solemn dip of his head, he began to pace the room slowly.

"I'm sorry!" I blurted out as he made his third lap. "I never should've come here to be with you! I knew it was risky and I did it anyways..."

"Y/N." he interrupted me, walking up to me to place both of his palms on my shoulders. "Don't beat yourself up over this. I have loved waking up every morning to see my daughter there next to me. After 13 years-"

"But you'll go to Azkaban again if they find us here!" I protested. "Not to mention that you helped me become an Animagus. I'm un-registered!"

He was silent again for a moment, unwilling to admit the truth. "Maybe they will find us-" he began, starting to smile as he waited for the suspense of it. "-but not the version of us they were expecting." And with that, he winked at me before turning away.


| Months Later |

June 6, 1994

I swallowed as I patiently waited for my father to respond to any of my inquiries. When he didn't, I added another on top of them.

"So- you want me to go INTO Hogwarts and drag Ron to the Shrieking Shack?!" I barked, eyes narrowed in concern.

"Not exactly..." Sirius finally answered me. "If possible, see if any of the three of them come out of the school. It doesn't have to be Ron, but if all three are open, go for him. I'll be awaiting your arrival in the shack."

I swiped my tongue around my lips and starting trying to wipe away sweat lining my forehead. The afternoon sun was beating down on the back of my neck as I sat beneath the Whomping Willow, watching the Jobberknolls and Fwoopers fly about.

Sirius was standing beside me, his arms crossed and foot tapping the ground impatiently. 

"What exactly are we doing out here then? If this is supposed to happen at night?" I interrupted the silence once more.

"Waiting. I'm looking for the right time to shift." Was all my father said.

"Waiting? We'll be here for hours then!" I complained, only for him to ignore me once more.

I let out a huff, staring off in deep contemplation. I didn't trust this plan of my father's at all. This was highly dangerous and could result in his arrest. As for me, Harry and most of the professors had already seen my Animagus form a few months ago. Surely they'd put two and two together if I was caught with the most wanted wizard.

But, we hadn't gotten found out yet. Not entirely. 

Biting back retorts, I propped myself up against the tree with low expectations. Without realizing it, I had dozed off.


"Y/N!" A sharp voice startled me awake. 

"OW!" I squelched as my head banged against the Willow tree. 

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