-Five: Hunt-

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"Lupin!" I exclaimed, dropping my bag and dashing over to my godfather with glee in my eyes. I ignored the splitting pain in my ankle and focused my attention on the man who I loved the most. His head turned from the small group of people who had left their rooms to see him and he beamed with joy when he saw me running up.

I bounced over and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him in gently to my chest.

"I knew it! I knew you'd be fine!" I'd yip, loving the warmth I felt when I was nearby him.

Lupin chuckled and we pulled apart from the hug. He looked up at me from his sitting position, smiling the brightest I've seen in a while.

"How much do you remember?" I inquired.

I saw him pause for a moment, going deep into thought.

"Ehh-" he'd mumble. "I remember up to the part of where I saw you with Professor Snape... not much else after that. It's all a blur."

I grinned, pleased. Even though he hadn't remembered that Snape had been the one to obliviate him, he still had a strong grasp of his memory.

"So, you still remember that you're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher-" in a lower tone I added, leaning in. "-and the Order? And that you're a werewolf?"

I saw him lean in briefly as well, looking around the corners of his eyes to see if anyone noticed what I was asking.

"Yes." He said firmly, nodding his head slightly.

I smiled at him, grasping one of his hands.
"You don't know how much I've missed you..."

Lupin gave me a big grin and gently pat me on the shoulder.
"Me too kiddo... me too."


The following days consisted of me doing school, heading down to the dungeons for detention and finally making my way to the hospital wing to visit Lupin. He was quite intrigued to hear about my day, and I often complained about Snape to him.

What's funny is that he did much the same, (only in a quieter tone).

After the week had concluded, my godfather was finally able to teach again.

I grinned as I strode into the Great Hall on the following Monday, pleased that I had not only finished my detentions but that Lupin was now at the staff table again.

I waved at him as I went to sit down beside the other Gryffindor's and I smiled as he waved back.

"You seem in a much better mood, Y/N." Hermione would remark, watching me as I gleefully presented myself with a small pile of fruit and pancakes.

"You bet!" I'd reply, almost instantly digging into the food I had before me.

Ron snickered and I saw a small smile grow on Harry's face.

"Oh look! Dumbledore's about to speak with us!" Hermione would point past me from my left, alerting us that the headmaster had stepped towards the golden podium.

"Attention students!" Dumbledore's voice ricocheted off of the large Great Hall walls.
"I have two major announcements for you all!
Firstly, we welcome Professor Lupin back into his teaching position of Defense Against the Dark Arts. We're pleased to have you back Professor!"

Cheering and clapping erupted in the hall. All of the students had given Lupin a standing ovation and were beaming with joy. I chuckled as I saw a red tint flush onto my godfather's face. He was clearly awed but trying to be humble about the welcome back.

"And secondly," Dumbledore continued after the noise died out. "There has been another sighting of Sirius Black around the surrounding areas. If a student wishes to venture outside, they must be attended by a professor. That is all."

Despite the fact that most of the kids seemed terrified and fretful about the second share of news, I was one of the only ones to be quiet happy. It was hard to hide the excitement however, and clearly the others noticed.

"What's your deal Y/N? Are you trying to attract the other kid's attentions?" Hermione snapped at me, seeing that I was suppressing a grin.

"N-no. But this could be my chance!"

"Chance for what?!" Ron exclaimed a little too loudly. Nearby kids turned to look at him, and he was forced to lower his tone. "This could be dangerous Y/N!"

"But-!" I'd protest, leaving the three of them to stare at me in disappointment. "This may be the only chance I get to meet my father! My- real- father!"

They shook their heads at me.

"As much as I wish I could see this so called "Azkaban escapee" and figure out what he wants with me, I agree with Ron and Hermione." Harry said reluctantly.

I frowned, gently pushing away the breakfast in front of me.

"Fine... I'm going to go get dressed then."

As much as I hate to lie... oh wait. I don't. I flat out lied to their faces, but I felt no remorse. I made a sharp right turn out of the Great Hall, proceeding to the doors that would take me out of the building without another word. A small smile stretched across my face as I felt the cool, newly approaching spring air hit my face.

I continued on a slow trek, flicking my gaze around to see whether or not a professor were to pop out of nowhere. I shoved my hands slowly into my pockets and bit my lip nervously.

"If I were to hide somewhere, where would it be...?" I'd mumble to myself, thinking as if my father and I were one person.

Then it hit me.

"The forest!"

I started to pick up my pace, evolving into a light jog. My hands swung from my pockets freely and my long, dark brunette hair flapped behind me. I smiled to myself, thinking I saw a shadow flicker from behind one tree to another.

"Sirius?" I'd call out, not knowing why. "Sirius Blackkkk...?" Surely he wouldn't recognize my voice? He hadn't ever heard it.

The dried up leaves from under the melted snow crunched beneath my feet, yet I didn't care about being quiet. Slowly but surely, I followed the direction I thought I saw the shadow roam.

Abruptly, I felt the hood of my cloak get caught on something. I yanked myself forwards, only to find myself stumbling to the ground below. A hand slowly rested on my head, turning it ever so slightly so that my vision protruded to the side. I kicked with my legs, but to no avail. Soon I saw a face pop down in front of me. Long, matted dark hair swung beside his dusted face.

His voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken in years. An eerie grin stretched on his face as he croaked, "Hello Y/N..."

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