-Nine: Found-

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Author's Note!

In this chapter, it is now a month after Y/N disappeared and went to be with Sirius.

That's why you're able to become an Animagus and also why the grass is now green instead of covered in snow.

Enjoy! :)


3rd Person P.O.V

*Back In The Castle*

Harry swung his head around, eyes penetrating the walls of the commons room. Loud echoing voices rang out from nearby, and he presumed them to be the professors running about.

Ron lazily spun a quill between his index and middle finger and Hermione was deep into a book in the nearby armchair.

"Don't you think we should do something?!" Harry exclaimed, his face frustrated that no one seemed to care.

"The professors will find her eventually..." Ron muttered subtly, exhaling in annoyance when he dropped his pen.

Harry shot him an angry glare, his fingers restlessly tapping against his thigh. "How can you be so sure? We all know that Sirius Black is a dangerous, escaped convict!"

Hermione snapped her book shut, setting it down. "Can you relax? Dumbledore has some of the best wizards known to date here and willing to help search! If only nosy kids would just move on and not butt in, they'd have found her by now!"

"Bloody hell- that was harsh, Hermione." Ron huffed, finally managing to retrieve his dropped quill.

"You were as well!" she snapped, a tear pricking the corners of her eyes. "Look! I'm just as scared as you are Harry. But trying to do something rash won't help one bit!"

He swallowed, staring down at his two friends both still seated. His chest heaved once and he shoved his hand into his robe pocket. "Fine."

Without another word, Harry was off and out the door. the air felt so much more dense, and there was a strong sense of stress lingering in the air. He bit his tongue briefly, on accident due to the mixed emotions stirring inside him. Just then, Lupin came bolting past the portrait frame, almost knocking Harry off his feet.

"Professor!" he'd call out, rushing after the distressed wizard. He had to pick up his pace a ton, since Lupin was traveling very fast in a quick sprint. He followed him for quite a while, noticing the odd pattern of steps Lupin was taking. He soon found himself trailing closer to him.

"Professor Lupin!" Harry wheezed, his chest heaving due to lack of air.

"What is it Harry-!" Lupin inquired from directly in front of him, although he seemed rather distant.

"What's going on now? Have you found her yet?!" he figured this was the wrong person to ask, but he still felt the same as Lupin was expressing.

"Not yet- but there is something I have to see!"

"And that is...?"

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