-Three: Prevent-

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Quick Author's Note! 

Y/N = Your Name

Y/M/N = Your Middle Name

This is here so that there isn't any confusion in the future :) 



The following morning was a Saturday, and unfortunately for me it was the first Hogsmeade weekend. I reluctantly watched beside Harry as most of the professors and all of the rest of the students walked from the building. I bid Hermione and Ron a goodbye earlier since they would most likely be lost in the crowd of students leaving. 

"What now...?" I'd exhale as the last of the students and professors filtered out of sight.

"No clue." Harry shook his head slowly.

I proceeded to frown as I shoved my hands into my robe pockets, staring out into the distance. The early sunlight lit up the ground with a hazy glow, and the gentle rippling of the ocean in the distance seemed as if it were begging for me to come closer.

"I can get something for you two to do." a stern, gruff voice echoed from behind us. 

Harry and I slowly pivoted around, finding ourselves looking into the eyes of Professor Snape.

I saw a look of remorse and disappointment sting Harry's gaze, as did mine.

A small smirk was plastered across the professor's face, causing my insides to boil in rage as he stepped closer. The authority he had over us was unbearable to me.

"Why don't you-" Snape jabbed a long, spindly finger into Harry's chest. "Go ahead and help Filch fix up his office. He hardly knows where his detention slips are now."

Harry looked as if he had eaten a bug and I saw his hands curling into fists. I jabbed him in the side with my elbow, warning him to shut it.

"...yes sir..." Harry mumbled, stalking off after the unkept mess of hair that belonged to Filch bobbling around the corner.

Snape would watch Harry go until the boy was out of sight. He turned to me and grinned eerily. "As for you, Y/N Y/M/N Black..."

I flinched as he voiced my full name, yet I bit the inside of my cheek to prevent me from saying anything that could land me in a worse spot.

"I think it'll be best for me to keep tabs on the wizarding world's most notorious murderer's daughter, hm? How about you help me reorganize my filing cabinet? That way you can truly see how awful your father was when he was here."

My arms trembled in even more remorse for the Potions Professor, and I couldn't stand to look into his face while he talked shit about my father.

"Well...?" he'd snicker, voice sly and impression amused. "What will it be little Black? Surely you're not going to be as aggravating as your father, are you?"

That was it.

"SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH ABOUT MY FATHER!" I'd shriek, feeling the same, hot tears flush down my face in undeniable rage. "YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO SPEAK OF HIM LIKE THAT!"

Snape seemed even more amused. 

"Is that so?" he'd let out a huff. "That'll be 50 points from Gryffindor for talking back to a teacher AND I believe that deserves a weeks detention!"

He clearly didn't give a damn about my quivering figure, which was now crying and holding back an unbearable scream.

"Now come along!" he'd order, tone dropping back into place and his jaw setting into the usual expression. He grasped my collar, thrusting me away from the open doors with force. I winced softly, stumbling as I tried to regain my balance. I managed, only for him to grasp the underside of my shoulder and drag me along.

"Hurry it up!" he had huffed, now keeping me quite close to his side.

My watercolor gaze was still full of tears, silent tears that I let fall down my face. I couldn't tell what they were from. Either from what Snape said about my father or the fact that he was pinching his nails tightly into my skin. 

'Dad... where are you right now?' I'd wonder in agony, biting my lip as more tears began to flow. They sopped down my cheeks and onto the front of my robes, soaking the black fabric.

We began to make our way to the last flight of stairs before my day job commenced, leaving me trapped in the dungeons with the watchful eye of Snape. Only then did someone approach.

"Slow it down Severus!" a voice demanded, causing the long, black-haired wizard to whip around. His grip loosened and I quickly scooted a pace away from him. I too, turned around to see the one man I was hoping to see.

"Quiet yourself Remus. Don't be a fool." Snape scoffed, clearly not pleased that Lupin used his first name.

My godfather swept his gaze over the taller wizard, and without another word he walked around Snape's right side. His eyes landed upon me, still trembling and forcing back tears.

"What are you doing with her?" Lupin ordered Snape's reply.

"Giving her something to do." Snape gritted his teeth in annoyance. "She has nothing better to do since she clearly can't be outside now."

Lupin completely ignored Snape, causing the wizard to slowly pull his wand from his robe pocket.

"What is Snape doing with you, Y/N?" Lupin looked me in the eyes, giving me a small, reassuring smile. "And be honest with me."

I smacked my lips together quietly, parting them to speak with a trembling voice. The watchful eyes of the Potions Professor were upon me, so it was rather terrifying to admit this.

"He- he was going to give me something to do for the today.." I'd reply. "H-Harry and I were both given orders to help clean Filch's and Professor Snape's rooms."

"And?" Lupin inquired, seeing the sad glint in my gaze. 

"H-he... made fun of my father. And me included." I'd swallow, seeing a furious gaze cast upon Snape's face. "He- insulted him a-and told me that-"

Lupin quickly turned to look at Snape, flashing a glare at him and his wand before prodding me on.

"What he say- Exactly?"

"H-he said.. 'it'll be best for me [him] to keep tabs on the wizarding world's most notorious murderer's daughter'..." I'd reply, trembling all the same. I felt so small in this moment, feeling as though I had been the one in trouble and was about to be shoved into "time-out".

"Severus..." I briefly saw a glint of rage flicker across my godfather's face, although I didn't understand why. Snape had insulted my real father more than he had me, so why was Lupin so mad...?

I didn't pay any attention to what they said next. I was busy worrying about this past thought lingering in my mind. However, the next thing I knew, both of their wands were out at each other and they were spatting furious insults to one another.



"Stop!" I'd plead to my godfather, tugging on his non-dominant arm.

He didn't listen. The insults were still continuing and getting more violent each second.

"THAT'S IT REMUS!" Snape would scowl eventually, aiming his wand for my godfather's head. "You'll wish you never came here!"

My godfather's chest heaved as I attempted to pull him back further. However, he stayed put, simply watching Snape with a set jaw.

Snape let out a shriek, "OBLIVIATE!"

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