-Seven: Dwell-

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Much to my surprise, the only trouble I got in was just a simple talking to in Dumbledore's office. Lupin was there as well, monitoring me with a concerned expression.

"You understand the circumstances then, Y/N?" Dumbledore said calmly.

"Yes..." I'd reply slowly, flashing a solemn glance towards my godfather.

"Look, Y/N." Dumbledore let out a small exhale. "I get that you're very concerned and wishing to meet your father for the first time, but we just can't have any mishaps going on. Especially after the break-in of the Gryffindor third-years dorm."

I nodded slowly, biting back a retort.
That so called "first time" had already happened under their noses. And they didn't know about it at all.

As we walked from Dumbledore's office, Lupin gently rested a hand on my right shoulder. I looked at him with a confused stare, and I overheard him mumbling something to himself.

It sounded as if he were saying, "...just like her father..."

"What was that?" I inquired, leaving him to drop his hand off my shoulder and hastily reply.

"N-nothing. I better head off to class now..."

And then he was off towards his room. I gave him a knowing gaze, chuckling softly to myself.

"What a lame excuse... his classes don't start until the afternoon."

Which in this time frame was still quite early in the morning.

I could hardly concentrate at all in school; the image of my father and the gentle feeling of him hugging me tight kept me busy and wondering.

'Is he really as dangerous as others say? Or is it just because I'm his daughter? And... what was that dog I saw creeping in the woods?'

I guess I'd never know...


"Y/N!" Professor McGonagall's voice snapped me back to attention.

I stuttered, rising up from my slumped position on the desk. My eyes snapped out of their zoning state and I turned to look at her.

"Wha~" I'd stammer.

"I asked you what the proper motion of turning a cat into a cauldron is! Have you not finished reading page 364?"

"N-no... no ma'am." I'd guiltily reply.

"I was planning on giving you no homework for the weekend." McGonagall frowned at me. "But I guess someone needs to do some extra work, hm?"

I nodded solemnly, just as the bell rang to dismiss us for the day. I hastily shoved my books and wand back into my bag, fleeing from the classroom first. I picked up my pace as I exited the room, heading directly for my dorm at one of the towers.

"Y/N!" A voice called out from nearby. I didn't turn around to look but soon enough, Hermione, Harry and Ron skidded up beside me.

"Slow down will ya?" Ron chuckled. "My legs aren't as long as yours yet!"

"Speak for yourself!" Harry snapped with a grin.

"What's the rush?" Hermione asked me with a small smile. "Wanting to finish your homework earlier?"

I shook my head, too blinded to answer.

I saw Hermione flash the other two a look, yet they didn't say anything about it. I didn't speak them the whole time we walked but they did try to make me crack.

Once we arrived at the dorm, I voiced the password and immediately burst through the portrait hole. I dropped my backpack abruptly and scurried over to the small ledge by one of the windows. I stared out of it, dwelling on last events as I eyed the trees. Just as I had done every day this past week.

"Still looking for him, huh?" Hermione inquired with a sad expression. She walked over to me, and gazed into my glum face as I sat crouched by the window.

I couldn't lie anymore. It felt cruel to do so, especially since they are my closest friends...

"Looking for him to come back, maybe." I'd reply, waiting to see if they caught on. Of course, Hermione did and the boys didn't.

"Come back?! Is that why you got in trouble for being out in the forest?!" Hermione exclaimed, to which the boys realized at once.

"You saw Sirius Black!" Ron yelped, and Harry immediately shushed him. Luckily for us, the common room was completely empty, aside from us four.

"Maybe..." I murmured loud enough for them to hear.

Harry looked aghast and Ron turned pale.

"Y/N!" Hermione would scold me.

"I don't need another talking to, okay?!" I hissed back, spinning around to see them clearly.
"What's the big deal with wanting to see my actual father?!"

"The big deal is that he wants me dead!" Harry would snap back.

"You don't know that!!" I'd remark, my brows furrowing. "He hugged me tight and looked as if he were about to cry! He's not some villain, I guarantee he's misunderstood!"

"We can't be sure of that Y/N!" Hermione would reply, siding with Harry.

"This is ridiculous..." I'd mutter, snatching up my bag in a hand and furiously storming blast them to my room.

"Don't say we didn't tell you so!" Ron's voice called after me. I'd barely heard it before the door slammed shut.

My chest heaved as I stared down at the dusted wooden floor. I was quite surprised not even one of them sided with me on my risky attempts.

"I suppose..." I'd grunt, wiping my brow with the back of my hand. I flung my backpack onto my bed and removed all of the school books from it. "If they think I'm crazy... they haven't seen nothing yet."

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