-Eight: Shack-

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I wasn't there. At all. I was gone by dawn. I didn't show up to the Great Hall or wake up beside Hermione. I didn't go to visit my godfather or finish McGonagall's homework. I had vanished.

I would assume Dumbledore was hiding his panic on this new missing student. Especially since he was terrified about ME specifically going missing. (Because of Sirius Black I suppose).

I could also picture that Lupin was a nervous wreck. Absolutely terrified and showing more emotions than he ever had before.

But I wouldn't know. I wasn't there.

I can only guess that chaos and havoc rained down upon the school. I can only guess that they went into lockdown. But I can definitely be sure that at any point, my godfather was demanding a search party to track me down.

Little did they know, I was right under their noses. (literally)


"You alright dear?" Sirius inquired as he poured me a glass of water. Small remnants of dirt scattered the cup, but it was the best we could get down here.

"I'm fine," I replied, gladly taking the cup of water he gave to me. I took a small sip out of it before slowly setting it down on the table with a heavy exhale.

"You're not fine. I can tell." Sirius would grin subtly, rising to his feet to pace the small room slowly.

My back hunched as I laid back into the dusted over armchair, examining my father nervously.

"You look like a wreck- are you sure you don't want to try any of my clothes?" I'd ask slowly, drawing my tongue over my cracked lips.

"I'm fine, Y/N..." my father said slowly.

I let out a short laugh.

"You're taking my line now?! Okay..."

Sirius shot me a look but still smiled all the same. He changed the subject abruptly however.

"This shack must be ages old... and I thought it looked bad when I used to come here with James and Rem-" he broke off and I saw him tense up.

"Sorry what?" I quickly snapped into action. I rose to my feet, eyes widened as I eyed the hand my father had pressed flat against the wall.

"I knew it!" I squealed. His hand balled into a fist now.

"I knew it! You were friends with my godfather! That's why I'm with him! It's not just because he's in the Order then is it?"

Sirius' head dropped. "I hoped you wouldn't find out this way... because of my- lack of judgement."

"Lupin was starting to let it slip too." I smiled. "You're not the only one."

My father snickered and turned towards me. "You know about your godfather right? His monthly occurrences?"

"If you mean being a werewolf, yes."

"This is where we came."


"This is where James Potter and I took Remus when he was about to turn. Of course, we didn't have the potions for his tamed-wolf side now. That's why this place is so beat up now. Not to mention the age of it."

I paused, swallowing as I looked around the dirty room. My godfather, my real father and Harry Potter's father were all here. Years ago. When they were just my age...

"No way.." I'd utter in awe, grinning at the sight of it.

Scattered gouges in the walls allowed dirt to seep through even more, and you could clearly see massive, clawed paw prints laid about the ground. However, I soon noticed...

"Dad?" I asked, turned away from him as I examined the door where we had entered. I crouched down as I heard him start to walk over and I pointed directly at the prints. "Why are there a different set of smaller paw prints? And... hoof-prints?"

"Oh that-" Sirius stammered. "Well- I uh- guess you'd better know the truth. Since I did happen to... bring it up."

I nodded slowly, turning my gaze from him to the paw prints for a single moment. I drew my fingers along the floorboards, awed by the subtle details in the wood. Three completely different sized animals. Supposedly standing here in harmony. I winced as a splinter cut into my index finger and I quickly withdrew my hand from the area.

"Dad?" A soft scrabbling of claws filled my ears abruptly. I flung myself around, still grasping my splintered finger with my other hand. In his place, stood the same, large black dog.

I bit back an exasperated scream, and instead backed up against the door with a frightened gaze. The dog stood oddly still, its eyes sparkling with humor and amusement. In a wisp of smoke, the dog had gone and my dad rose from the ground.

"What the bloody hell-" I'd start, but my dad only grinned.

"I'm an Animagus, Y/N! Is it really taking you this long to learn? Good lord... didn't get my intelligence did you?'

"Hey!" I'd snap back, furrowing my brow.

"I'm only kidding!" Sirius cackled, his laugh sounding more like a bark. He held out a hand towards me, offering me help to stand back up to my feet.

"So... was Harry's father an- Animagus too?" I asked in confusion, referring to the hoof-marks.

"Yes he was. But instead, he was a stag."

"That- explains it."

Sirius grinned at me and simply turned to one of the old-fashioned, dusted over drawers. he pulled out a brown flecked vile, spinning it around slowly between his long, spindly fingers. "Want me to show you how I did it?"

I swallowed once, the small throbbing pain subsiding from my finger. I noticed him nudge me on, as he were begging me to agree. With high expectations coming from my father, I nodded once.


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