~ 17 ~ Daphne's Pov

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I barely slept at all. I was tossing and turning all night. I waited for Simon, he did not come home last night. He did not call or text. I know he is alright because Beta Cole would have let me know if something happened. Simon never did this before.

At one point I got up and sat in front of the door. Watching it, praying for it to open, praying for him to come through those doors. I stared at the phone begging for it to ring. I was begging for any news good or bad. I just wanted answers. I could not focus on anything. My mind was just overthinking everything. I could not come up with what is happening with him lately.

During our busy season, he sometimes came home at midnight because he and Cole were working. But he always came home, not once he stayed at the office, at Coles's place, or somewhere else. He always came home to me.

I know something has changed between us. We have not had sex in four months. He does not hug me, kiss me, or touch my body as he used to. We used to have sex a couple of times a week but now it's nothing. When we are out in public he holds my hand but it feels fake like it's for show.

I am trying to ignore it. Keep myself busy at the bakery helping his mom while Ivy is away. My wolf growls as I say her name. She has been growling and sniffing every female she sees. But I am calm Simon is a good man he will never cheat on me. He will never cause a scandal in his pack.

That is the only thing that calms me down. That is the only thing that keeps me from going insane.

"I am the Luna of this pack. I am the Luna of this pack. I will not do anything impulsive, I will make rational decisions." I repeat it in my head. I check my phone for the millionth time today. It's 5:50 am. I should get up, go to the bakery and help Luna Evelyn. If I stay in bed then I will drive myself crazy.

I pull the cover off my body and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the light and look at myself in the mirror. I have dark circles under my eyes, my lips are dry and there is no glow to my skin. I have gained 20 pounds since I started working in the bakery.

Simon usually loved when there were any changes to my body. In the winter when I put on any holiday weight he could not get enough. When my breast get bigger, my hips, my thighs. Before the summer when I lost that weight, he again would go crazy and enjoy the slim me.

I use the bathroom, brush my teeth, and use a Gua Sha on my face hoping to bring some color to my face. I put my long hair in a high ponytail, I put on a pair of stretchy skinny jeans and a comfy t-shirt. I don't care what the trend is right now nothing beats the comfort of skinny jeans.

I grab my bag and head to the bakery. I will make a strong coffee when I get there.

"Good morning Luna." I greet Luna Evelyn as I walk into the bakery.

"Good morning dear." Luna Evelyn replies while busy serving the carrier with boxes of pastries for today's morning breakfast at the resorts.

I walk to the coffee bar station and make myself a cup of coffee. I add some of Luna's condensed milk creamer to my coffee. I take the first sip, it's so good. It's like the weight of the world has lifted off my shoulders. How come a sip of perfect coffee can do that to you?

I walk to the back of the bakery with coffee in hand to access the need so I can start helping out as soon as I am done with my coffee. The crew starts baking for breakfast at 3 am, Luna is in here at 6 am for the opening.

"Good morning guys." I greet the crew. They all turn to me smiling and say good morning. It means a lot to them to have their future Luna helping them out.

I look at the cake station, the chai latte cakes need to be assembled for today's lunch and dinner. I think I will start there. I grab all the supplies I need to frost and decorate the cakes.

As I am carrying them to my workstation I bumped into a tray of cinnamon buns. Everything comes crashing down on the floor my decoration kit and a huge trays of cinnamon buns.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay dear?" Renee one of the ladies work close to me approaches me first.

"Yes. I am fine. I am sorry about this. I will clean it up." I tell her.

"Is everything okay?" Luna Evelyn pops her head into the kitchen from the dining area because of the loud noise.

Renee and I are already picking up the ruined cinnamon buns. Luna Evelyn comes over to help us. Once the mess is cleaned up Luna asks me to follow her. We walk to the back of the kitchen to her office.

"Have a seat, Daphne." Luna Evelyn gestured to one of the chairs in front of her desk.

I do as she asks.

"Is everything okay with you today dear?" she asks me seating in front of me.

"Yes, I just did not sleep well during the night," I tell her.

"Why don't you take a day off and go get some sleep," Luna says.

I keep quiet, she doesn't understand that I will not be able to sleep, that my mind will torture me, I need to keep myself busy until I see Simon again.

"Sure Luna, thank you, I will make myself another cup of coffee to go."

'Good girl, be careful driving home?"

I get into my car, I take a couple of sips of the coffee. I start the car and I drive to Simon's office.

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