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Today I focus on cooking. Our lesson was all about lemons. All my classmates picked a protein dish but I wanted to do vegetarian. Yes I know I am a wolf and protein is a must but I need to start thinking outside the box. When I get back to the pack I went to create a vegetarian menu for the resorts.

I chose savory lemon and herb-baked tofu, lemon cauliflower, and lemon coconut cake. Balthazar did an amazing lesson on the right way to use lemon in cooking.

As I am cleaning my station at the end of the day I hear my phone vibrant. I quickly check it and have a big smile on my face. I really want to talk to him today. With the Wolfsbane incident happening this morning. I am only now starting to understand how dangerous of a situation I put myself in.

Luckily for me, it was a very small amount, but what if it was a lot more? I could have died, without my manifest gift, I could have been sick for days with nausea and diarrhea, in pain, and weak to get out of bed.

Why am I so careless? I open my phone are read the message.

~ Hello beautiful

~ I missed you

~ Text me when you are free.

I hurry up with cleaning. I say my goodbyes to Balthzar and rush out the door.

I walk out of the building. It's a beautiful sunny day. I really enjoyed my walk to school this morning I want to walk back home. At 8 pm right before sunset, I need to go for a run on the beach boardwalk. I have been slacking and I can feel it.

I text Simon back.

~ My day is good. I just finished with school, walking home. How is your day going?

Simon replies right away.

~ Don't walk if it's too hot. You know we don't do well in the heat. My day is crazy busy. I need to pick out the designs for the new resort. Cole is not good with that. I am also not good with it. All tile, flooring, and paint coolers look the same. I just don't know what will look nice.

I could help him but I am not much of a designer. I am great at decorating cakes, my bedroom back home still has purple or pink bed sheets, purple covers, and silver window curtains.

I text him.

~ Who helps you with the previous designs?


~ Daphne did. She helped with all of our designs.

Oh! Okay... I don't know what to tell him right now. I continue walking and thinking. Daphne is part of our pack. If she is good at something then for the good of the pack she should contribute.

Devon growls

I ignore her, I need to put my feeling aside. Daphne is part of the pack and we need to find a way to coexist. I don't like her now but she will hate me later for taking Simon away from her.

Simon sends me another message.

~ I have not told anyone yet and would ask you to keep it to yourself. Daphne and I broke up.

Wow, Olivia and Nora told me they were having problems but they broke up.

I have a huge involuntary smile on my face. I can not help myself. I trust Simon, so I text him.

~ Thank you for telling me this. If you think Daphne is the best person to help you with designing the resort then you should ask her help.


~ Are you sure?


~ Yes I am sure.

I am smiling. I can not wait to get back home, to my pack. I miss Simon so much. When I turn to my street I get a weird feeling. Devon is on full alert. I stop in my track and look around. Trying to understand what I am feeling. I feel someone's presence.

"Devon, what is it?" I ask my wolf.

I am sniffing, listening, and searching amongst the people walking on the street, I look across the street. What is it?

"I don't know..." Devon tells me. Still sniffing, using her wolf hearing.

And, then it happens, someone is entering my mind and says.

"Hello, Beautiful."

I drop my phone on the ground from shock and surprise. He is in my mind the same way Devon is, it feels the same way. Can he see all my thoughts?

I become frightened to my core like I was never frightened before. I am all alone without my Dad, without Simon, without the protection of my pack.

I quickly pick up my dropped cell phone and run into my apartment building, run up the stairs, and into my apartment. I close the door. I am still afraid, this closed door does not give me any sense of security. I want to call my Dad.

No, I cannot do that I would freak him out thousands of miles away. If he flies here in a panic he will not let me stay here. He will make me go back home.

I take out my phone and call Iris.

"Hey, Iris... Can you please come over now... Can you please stay with me tonight?"

I did not notice how fast I am breathing, the panic in my voice.

"I am already on my way. Be there in 5." Iris tells me and hands up the phone.

I take a breath of relief but my mind is raising, I cannot find peace.

Who was that!?

I am afraid that this someone can just enter my mind at any time. I close my eyes and manifest to close all mind links to my mind. I feel the surge of energy goes through my veins and I catch my hair glow.

I becoming so weak. Why did it take so much of my energy the manifest this? I can barely keep myself up, I slide down the door onto the floor and pass out.

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