Chapter 16

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"Hello?" I mumbled, still half-asleep and not happy about the fact that someone decided to call me at 5:30 AM.

"Mr. Lynch, this is the hospital. We have good news, Mrs. Lynch has woken up," the nurse on the other end replied.

I immediately jerked up. "What? Really?! You're not joking, right?"

The nurse chuckled. "Have you ever heard of a nurse or a doctor making a joke? No. Anyways, Mrs. Lynch has woken up but she is not fully aware of her surroundings. We request that you come as soon as possible."

"Okay, thank you!" I exclaimed, jumping out of bed and trying to get dressed at the same time as trying to hang up. I grabbed my car keys and rushed out the door, hoping that the piece of gum I was chewing would make up for not brushing my teeth.

I don't know how I didn't get pulled over, but I made it to the hospital in 3 minutes flat. I pushed open the hopsital entrance doors like those people in the movies and walked over to the front desk.

"Um, I'm looking for Ashley Lynch," I said to the person working there.

She asked me while typing something on the computer, "And what relationship do you have with the patient?"

"I'm her husband," I quickly replied. It sounded weird saying that I was Ashley's husband.

"Room 403," the nurse pointed to the elevators. I nodded as I briskly walked away, bumping into other people while doing so and receiving dirty looks. Oops.

The moment I opened Ashley's hospital room door, I felt sympathetic for her. After all, she had no immediate family members to help her or be with her right now.

She looked up when she heard me walking in. "Who are you?"

I had expected this because the doctor had told me a while ago that if Ashley ever woke up, there was a great chance that she wouldn't know who I was or anybody else either. My smile still dropped, though.

She held up a finger. "Wait, don't tell me. I wanna guess."

I nodded, letting her know to go right ahead.

"The nurses said I should expect a guy coming soon. They said you were gonna be, my husband?" she tilted her head sideways to see if she was correct.

I wince/smiled and said, "Yup."

"Wow! I can't believe I have a husband! I can't even believe I'm married! I can't even believe I have this amazing life!" Ashley squealed, which made me feel guilty and want to blurt out everything.

But not now. She was still recovering, there was no way she was going to take all of that. 

The nurse walked in. "Mrs. Lynch, you'll need to stay at the hospital for recovery for a few more days. According to the tests we've taken, you're fine to walk around the hospital, but you'll need a nurse to be with you. Or perhaps, your husband here."

"Okay!" Ashley nodded excitedly. Her excitement was bubbling so much that I was wondering if I had walked into the wrong Ashley's room. 


Three days later, Ashley was all ready to go. She had a huge smile on her face, and she was shaking hands with everyone she met at the hospital. This even meant strangers in the elevator.

It was nice that she was excited to go home, but inside, I was feeling miserable, that she thought she was going to have this perfect life with no problems anymore, when I knew everything.

I decided to slowly bring up the Aubrey situation as the days went by. I started during the car ride home. 

"So, Ashley," I said slowly, steering into the driveway.

"Yes?" she looked at me and smiled. It felt weird talking to her. She wasn't like who she was before, now she was too perky and giddy with excitement. It was like I was bringing home a stranger who was going to live with me for the rest of my life. Which technically, I kind of was. 

"Do you remember how you fell into your coma?" I asked. 

Her smile still remained. "Well, not really. The nurses didn't tell me much about that. They only said something about an, um, well, suicide attempt?"

She seemed puzzled about this, so I replied, "Actually, that's true."

Her jaw dropped. "Really? Well, it's a good thing I'm still here!"

I stopped the car and unbuckled my seatbelt. Instead of getting out, I turned towards Ashley. "Do you remember anything about what happened before the coma?"

"No," she shook her head. "Why?"

"It's gonna be a hard life coping with loss of memory," I sighed.

"Not really!" she chirped. "I can live without knowing any of my problems, right?"

"Hopefully," I muttered, and we got out of the car and walked towards the front door. 

But when we got closer to the door, there was no hopefully. A problem was facing us right now. 

"Ross," her voice croaked.

"Aubrey," I whispered back. 

"Who's this?" Ashley titled her head at us. 

"Ross," Aubrey said, walking towards me. "There's something I need to tell you."

"Aubrey, you can't right now. You'll have to know that I have a wife and that you will have to tell me another time."

Aubrey's jaw dropped when I said I had a wife, Ashley. "O-okay," she stuttered, and walked away, sulking.

"Who was that?" Ashley questioned once we were inside.

"Just an old friend," I said, deciding I would tell her about Aubrey later. 

"Okay," she nodded slowly, like she was hesitant. I wouldn't blame her.

As she made her way to a chair, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it," I quickly shuffled towards the door, wondering who it could be. 

But when I opened it, there was no one there. Just a small note.

I picked up the yellow post-it and slowly read the words scribbled across it. 


I understand that you don't want me here, especially now that I know you're married. I had no idea, I'm sorry about that night. I hope you can forgive me about that. 

I don't know if you'll forgive me for what I'm about to say, but I guess we both had a part in it, so it's not just my fault. I was trying to tell you, but I guess a few minutes ago just wasn't a good time.

Ross, I'm pregnant.


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