Chapter 11

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I sighed and sat myself in a nearby bench. Hopefully Ross wouldn't find me here.

I can't believe he cheated. And even only been dating for Iike, a day? Which means he did the dirty with Laura sometime between yesterday and today morning.

What does it even feel like? Does it hurt?

I groaned at the fact that I was thinking about what sex felt like when I was supposed to get over Ross.

"Hey, um, if you don't mind, can I take this spot next to you?" a female voice next to me said. I looked up and saw a pretty girl with brunette locks, fair skin, hazel eyes, and a cute outfit. She looked about my age.

"Sure," I shrugged.

"I'm Miriam," she blurted out, suddenly. Then she blushed, surely embarrassed.

"I'm Ashley," I smiled.

"You look like you just went through a breakup," she said, examining my face.

"How did you know?" I asked, amazed.

"Eh. I did too," she shrugged.

"Seriously? Oh, my gosh, were like twinzi-"

"Please. Don't. Say. Twinzies. It is the most annoying word ever," Miriam rolled her eyes.

"Well, technically, I'm still married to him," I said.

Her jaw dropped. "What? How is that even possible?"

I sighed. "Here's my story."

(a/n this will help if you are lost or confused!) "It all started when my parents announced I was going to be wedded to an enemy of mine, Ross. Both of us disagreed, but of course there was no way they were going to be on my side. Ross felt the same thing, but it was a forced marriage, so what could we do? Then before the wedding, he started dating the co-star of his TV show, which was technically cheating, since I was his fiancé. Then a lot of other stuff happened, which I really don't remeber. Oh yeah, our parents made us live together. It was disgusting. And then there was the wedding, and I met another guy, and he asked me out, which I know sounds crazy because I was already married. But I had no interest for Ross and you know, I live by a YOLO pact so I thought why not. I said yes, but that only lasted for a day, then we agreed to just be friends. And Ross also broke up with Laura for some reason I don't know. He admitted he had a crush on me, which was kinda cute, but eh. Then we like kissed or something in the pool and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I was just like, 'We're already husband and wife,' but he said we weren't really at that point in love yet, so it was like we just started all over. Then we came here and that bitch who was his ex came and told me that he had sex with her sometime ago, and that made me angry, so I just called the whole relationship thing off. I'm filing for a divorce as soon as I can."

Miriam gaped at me. "You've been through a lot in you life."

I laughed. "That's only the last few months. I could go on and on about my childhood."

Then she just looked at me like I was from Mars.

"What? Do I have dirt on my face?" I asked.

"How could you tell me, basically, your whole story, to me? I'm just a stranger you met a few minutes ago."

I shrugged. "Somehow I have a feeling that I can trust you."

"Thanks," she hugged me. Then she pulled away. "Too soon?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Hey, can I get your number? So we could like, hang out sometime?"

"Sure," she said, then we swapped phones and punched each other's number in.

A text appeared in the screen as I was about to give it back to her. I read it aloud.

"I think your Mom texted you saying, 'We have guests, Miriam. Come back home soon.'"

"Oh. Well, I guess I'll just give you a call or something sometime?" she said.

"Sure!" I waved as I watched her walk away.

"Ahem. Were you looking for me?" a male voice said behind me.

I turned around. Ross. Ugh.

"No I wasn't," I spat out.

"Ouch. What's with the rude voice?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was my tone too harsh for you?" I rolled my eyes.

"Laura said she wants to talk you," he said.

"No way."

"Yes way."

"Actually, you know what, I'm going to go to her. Kill her with kindness." I walked off.


I know its a horrible place to stop. Sorry.

Sry for not updating sooner. Next chapter will be up in a few days or so probably.

Love ya


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