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I led them with Rumble and Frenzy on either side of me; this was going to be interesting. Five Decepticons living with me. But it was also going to be a living hell.

"So where do you live Radiostream?" Starscream asked from behind me, after 20 minutes of awkward silence.

I looked up.

" I answered stopping in front of a a large two story brick house, Rumble and Frenzy's mouths dropped and their eyes widened.

"You live here?" They asked in unison.

I nodded, smiling. "Yes, working for Google has its perks."
"It definitely does." Starscream agreed, amazed.

"Yeah 10 thousand dollars a month." I said walking up to my front door, unlocking it I took my boots off, a little shocked they did the same, watching closely to what I did and soon they all had their boots off.

"Well first, any questions?" I asked as I walked farther into my house.

"Umm...why does my midsection hurt?" Frenzy asked uncertainly.
"You're probably hungry Frenzy" I answered as they all went in different directions, exploring my house, Frenzy stayed near me as Megatron investigated a hallway, I gave Frenzy a granola bar.

Suddenly I heard a yell, making Frenzy and I jump, we turned finding Megatron staring a something down the hall.

Frenzy ran over to him."What's wrong Boss?"

He skidded to a halt next to him and yelped as he stared down the hall. I then remembered a full length mirror was down that hallway. Megatron sucked in a breath, he wasn't happy. Frenzy on the other hand had tipped his sunglasses up to see himself better, he suddenly let out a laugh making Megatron, and even me, jump.

"Rumble! You gotta come look at this!" Rumble wondered up behind him.

"That's me? And that's you? Whoa."

"Duh, what do you think? We look exactly the same! Do you realize what this means?" Frenzy asked, they looked at each other and nearly vibrated in excitement, they high fived.

"The old switchroo, no paint included!" They hollered together.

"You know we hate it when you two do that," Starscream muttered behind then pushing though to stand beside Megatron catching sight of his reflection. He was actually speechless for a moment, then he smirked at the man by his side.

"How about that. I'm cuter then you."

"Ha!" Megatron scoffed, disgust forgotten. "You still look like a child. At least I look distinguished."

"Or, in other words, old"

"I'm not old!"

Rumble rolled his eyes and squeezed out from between them. "Hey Dad you gotta come and see what you look like!"

I leaned on the arm of the couch, watching the captivated Decepticons crowd around the hall mirror, it was quite amusing.

"We both have been around for a 10 million stellarcycles. But you have me beat by at least half a million stellarcycles more, Megatron" Starscream reasoned.

"And I look don't look bad for that age, now do I?"

Frenzy popped out of the hallway just as Rumble began dragging Soundwave to the mirror by the hand. He grabbed his other arm. I couldn't help but laugh, as they now could drag him around with the smaller size difference.

"Radiostream was right, you do look like us!"

Starscream and Megatron made room for their old friend while continuing the heated debate on Megatron's age. Soundwave easily ignored them. His eyebrows peaked above his sunglasses. He reached out to the mirror to touch it, brushing his fingers across the cool glass. Then he fingered his clothing.
"We are all truly human," he said softly with some awe, the most emotion he'd displayed all day.

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