Are You Like Sick?

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I studied for an hour until someone knocked on my door. "Open."

"You are still studying?"

I looked up at the newcomer. "Yeah . . . I want to ace this test, but I need a break," I closed my studying book. "What do you need, Soundwave."


"Okay . . ."

"What was it that the twins wanted me to see, earlier?"

"Nothing important."

He slowly nodded.

"So, this is kinda late to ask, but what were you doing when you were transported here?" I asked, curious. Rumble and Frenzy, when I first met them almost two months ago, told me they were recharging. Then Starscream was flying . . . and that, he told me, was not a vary comfortable landing.

"Approaching a storage room."

"Oh, do you miss that life at all?"

He shrugged. "I will admit that I miss my cassettes, and my true form, but this life is more relaxing and," he paused, searching for the best way to explain. "Worth while."

I smiled slightly, playing with my pencil. "I would miss my family too, even though Dalton is the only left."

"That is not true."

"Tell that to my dead brothers."



"You have more than Dalton."

"You know what a Sharkicon is, right?" I asked, completely changing the subject on a turn of a dime.

He seemed to sense my discomfort and nodded, going with my tangent. "Affirmative."

"Why that was, like, the most stupidest thing I ever saw . . . creepiest too."

"I thought the same." He admitted, shrugging.

"Wait what?"

He smiled faintly. "I concur, I thought the same."

I stared at him dumbfounded. "Wow, that was unexpected."


"Just is, anyway, why are you here?" Nothing really to do in here."

He shrugged, his stoic expression quivered as confusion made itself known. "I do not truly know."

But I knew why, he liked me, and he clearly hasn't realized that yet. I gazed at him sadly, upon seeing this he tilted his head quizzically. "What is the matter, Ryan?"

I shrugged, sighing, resting my chin in the palm of my hand. "Nothing, just thinking."

"And what was that?"

"A threat about you by Brett."

He stared at me, speechless, but then seemed to regain control and asked, "What was this threat?"

"I . . . can't say, its not important." I looked into hod bright green eyes, surprised to find many emotions sparked in them. Why Primus? Just because Soundwave is my favorite Transformer does not mean make him love me. Don't manipulate him. But I had a feeling Primus wasn't on on this and I had to stop myself from smiling.

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