This is War

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I felt fear raise as I remembered what happened years ago . . . but this means only one thing . . . Brett escaped.

My phone rang again, I checked the caller ID. "Hello?"

The voice I heard next almost made me drop the phone. "Ryan, nice of you to pick up, how are things going?"

My heart began to race.

"Brett . . . everything's fine," I shivered but my voice was even and clam.

"Good, now let's get down to business." Oh no . . . "We have unfinished business that I want to finish . . . I'm coming for you Ryan and nothing will stop me this time because if you call the cops . . . well, someone just might have to die. Now, I know you, sis, you wouldn't want that now would you?"

"N-no." I answered shakily, my emotions evident.

"Good . . .and I must say you're prettier than before, you grown into a wonderful, sexy, lady. Nice blue shirt you got on too."

I slowly looked down at my clothes, he was watching me . . . I looked outside.

"Mom and Dad would be proud mmm mmm mmm my my you're sexy."

I ran to my room quickly.

"Where ya going, sis, I'm admiring the view, I can't see you in there."

Tears began to run down my face as I sat against the wall by my dresser.

"Oh, what is this, you have some handsome men with you . . . oh whose this? Ryan who's the man with light brown hair, nice features, and is wearing sunglasses?"

I tensed . . .Soundwave.

"Well, I'm waiting tell me or I'll shoot em down. I got the perfect shot."

"Walker! Walker . . . his names Walker."

"Ah . . m Walker's good lookin', sis, you datin' him?"


"Oh that's to bad . . . who's the old man?"


"Mmm Mike, very large, tall, man . . . how about the young black haired one?"

I gulped. "Steve."

"Oh and what is this? Am I seeing double or are these twins?"

"T-twins, Rowan and Jackson." I cried, tears streaming down mg face rapidly. I stood slowly, looking out the window.

"Hello sis, finally came back out . . . . Oh it seems you a worrier, Ryan, tell him anything and I'll kill him. Got it?"

I nodded, knowing he could see me.

"Good and say hi to Dalton for me." He said hanging up. I almost dropped my phone, flinching as someone knocked on the door.

I forced myself to stop crying abs wiped the remaining tears away, scrubbing my cheeks dry, I opened the door looking down at the floor. But found Soundwave outside my door.

"Ryan are you alright?" He asked, noticing my tense aura as I walked past him.

"Yes, everything is completely fine." I lied.

"You are lying, what is the situation at hand?" He queried, following me.

"Nothing truly important."

"Ryan, this is not like you. Tell me."

I then got a text and I grimaced, looking at my phone.

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