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I studied my newly renovated living room, I could get used to this, yeah definitely. My living room had new walls, now blue instead of purple, and my couch was now brown, abs I had a new flat screen TV. Yeah could definitely get used to it.

I shrugged. "Eh, at least I still have the house."

"Yeah, and your life." Rumble said from the couch.

I glared at him. "Shut up, Rumble."

"Or what?" He teased, intensifying my glare.

"You're lucky I can't beat the slag out of you for another two weeks." I muttered, recommended by the doctors I should be careful even if my side is healed.

He stuck his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes. "Real mature, Rumble, real mature."

"Why are you so negative, Radiostream?" Starscream asked, concerned.

I looked at him. "Would you act like this if you couldn't do anything fun? I bored out of my mind."

"Oh . . . still don't get it."

I sighed. "Take whatever you think is fun, then not to be able to that for a long period of time, like flying."

"Oh I get it now, it sounds boring."

"It is." I groaned. "The only thing I can do is watch things on the internet, or movies." I said as I started watching a Transformers tribute. Jazz - I Like It Loud.

"What are you watching, Rad?" Frenzy asked as it loaded, coming over to me.


"Jazz? The Autobot, Jazz?"

"There's different versions of you guys but you still all have the some personalities . . . well some."

"What do you mean?"

"There's so many generations of you over the past thirty-two years, they sometimes went a little over board with some things and it turned really stupid. Like . . . not to be mean to these kind of fans, Transformers Animated that was just weird way out of character or you guys."

"Thirty-two years? We've been known here for thirty-two years?"

I nodded.


"Yeah . . . thirteen years longer than me."

"So technically I'm older than you?"

I froze, looking up at him. "Wanna see something funny?"

He rolled his eyes at the question, but shrugged. "Sure why not."

I nodded and typed in Lady Gaga Transformers Bad Romance MMD.' "Ready?"

He nodded and I pushed play.

"Hey, Megatron - what are they doing?"


Frenzy bursted our laughing. "Wow . . . this is funny."

"What? Lemme see." Rumble said, pushing past his brother as Soundwave was added to the video. "Ha, look, Dad dancing. Something you don't see everyday."

"Hey Dad you're a awesome dancer! Screamer and Megatron too!"

"Look Screamer got a solo."

"Dad too, cool."

I laughed as Starscream came up to us. "What are you talking about?"

"This." I answered, replaying the video.

"Oh . . . we got some moves."

"You do, definitely you and Soundwave." I agreed as Soundwave came as in hearing Frenzy calling for him.

"Yeah, but I'm better." The SIC argued.
"Mm . . . I'll say Soundwave was better." The twins said in unison.

"I have to agree with the twins. It looked like you were hitting Devastator in the face more than anything else."


"Its true, Soundwave just has better moves than you, besides his alt is a tape deck, he evolves around music. So, no winning there, Star." I explained, catching said, used-to-be tape deck, Walkman, eyes. "Hey, Soundwave."

He nodded as the others turned to him.

"Dad! You have to see this, it's funny."

"I'd rather you not." Megatron called from the couch. "They are saying we're dancing and are fighting about who's best . . .you're winning."

"Please?" The twins asked in unison as I, without looking, quickly exited out.

"Oh look its gone, maybe later."

"Aww . . ."

"She did it on purpose." Megatron said, the three cons turned to me.

I sputtered. "No I didn't . . . wanna see something else?"


I got a new tab and looked up t
Transformers Prime finding a certain scardy cat tribute. "How about this, Poker Face."

"Who. In. The. Pit. Is. That?" Rumbled demanded, punctuating each word. "It looks feminine."

"That is him." I answered, jabbing my thumb at the blue eyed young man beside me.

Their jaws dropped. "Screamer? That cannot be him."

"It is, and this is Shockwave." I said pointing to the one optic mech.

"Obvious, one optic like always."

"Yep. Megatron."

"Wow, he's really different," Rumble leaned in closer. "Makes our Megatron less scary, but still? Buckethead?"

"I know, ready for a real surprise, twins?"

"What is it?"

"Your father." I answered as I paused the video on Starscream and a dark faceless mech beside him came up, proud of my pausing skills. Pointing at him.

"What the-?"

"That cannot be Dad . . . he looks nothing like him."

"Oh, but it is and he only has Laserbeak with him in this generation, he doesn't talk at all, only one does he talk in."



"What happened to us?"

"Uh, you two and the others, except Laserbeak, were lunched inti deep space in an escape pod by the Autobot Weeljack."

"Aww, that's not fair."

"Mm." I shrugged and continued the video.

"This world is weird."

"It's more high tech than it was thirty-two years ago . . . but that makes no difference to you guys. I gotta say, I've seen things from the eighties. They. Are. Disturbing."

"Why?" Frenzy asked.

I looked up at him. "They just are."

"Okay . . . so we're famous, then?" Rumble asked.

I shrugged. "Anyway I have homework, so don't be loud, this is the main thing that will make me graduate and I want to graduate."

"Why?" Rumble asked, confused.

"Because then I'm out of school." I explained, going upstairs.

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