Shoot, I Dare You

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"Okay, so the twins and I will go there first, then you three." I said.

"Then we can properly come up with a plan in the . . ." Starscream trailed off, looking at me.

"Library." I sufficed.

"Yes, library."

I nodded, but I didn't tell them was that I was planning on actually doing. Turning to the twins I saw their eyes shining, glowing dimly as always. "Okay, ready?"

They nodded.

"On three." We readied ourselves to run.

"One . . .Two. Three!"

I shoved the twins forward and leapt to my feet, dashing for the hallway the cons first saw their human selves. We took cover in the hall as we were fired upon. I was the last one to take cover in the hall, slamming my back into the wall as bullets whizzed by my head, then my phone started vibrating.

I pulled it out, putting it on speaker.

"Ryan, why are you running? Don't you want to fight?"

I rolled my eyes, glaring at my phone as Rumble and Frenzy listened.

"Who's the coward now, Ryan? Hiding in hallway with little kids," he laughed.

"They're not little kids . . ." I growled in their defense.

"They were playing with toys earlier."

"They were, but when it comes to getting your ass kicked, they will prevail."

They grinned and I peeked out of the hall, waving my hand slightly by my leg, so Brett didn't see it if he was watching.

"Is that so, Ryan?" He asked as Starscream quickly ran over. "You fucker!" He yelled through the phone and took fire. I came out and took a random shot, I heard a gasp over the line. "Gah! How? You shot me!"

Starscream ran into the hall as rapid gunfire aimed into the house. Gah . . . this is going to be expensive to repair.
As I went back into the cover I felt something pierce my side. I gasped, gritting my teeth as unbearable pain bloomed throughout my body

The twins and Starscream yelled my name in astonishment.

"I'm fine." I said convincingly through clenched teeth as I held my wounded side, leaning against the wall heavily. I looked down at it, lifting my blue T-shirt up around that area, there was a gash where the bullet skimmed my side, blood welt and gushed out of it.

"You're sure?" Frenzy asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Yes." I snapped, jerking my shirt down, blood staining it almost instantly as a large pool. "Don't worry about me, you're stronger than that."

"Yeah but . . ."

"I'm fine."

"Oh Ryan, did I hurt you?" Brett's voice over the phone was mock sympathy.

Starscream growled. "You'll pay for that slagger!"

"Slagger? Ha, Ryan did you find some Transformer friends? Because that sounded like Starscream."

"Maybe . . . would you like to talk to Megatron?"

"Really? You're joking right?"

"Maybe," I answered simply, waving the two other cons from the couch to get ready. "You know, Brett, one weakness you have is . . . that you talk too much."

Megatron and Soundwave then ran towards us, seeing me flick my wrist to them.

"Argh!" And gunfire was laid into my poor house.

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