Shopping Part 2

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(Second part. Hope u like and I'll try to make it shorter and pic is the closest I could find to what Ryan looks like)

"What's wrong with you?" Rumble asked as I leaned against a shelf rubbing my head.
"Oh nothing just got the sight of Megatron with his pants down to his knees."

"Oh? Oh!....eww." he said getting it and I nodded grimacing.


He turned around. "I'm glad I didn't see that."

"I wish I didn't see that....anyway need help with anything?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yeah if you could....tell what color Megatron's-"

"Oh geez." I sighed and walked away with Rumble laughing behind. I found Soundwave crouched in front of a shelf looking at some shirts.

As I walked by a hat rack I grabbed a grayish brown cowboy hat and placed it on my head to hide my blush Rumble gave me.

"Hey....Walker do you need help?"

He looked up, tilting his head. "Why are you blushing?"

How does he even know what that means? But the hat didn't help any.

"Ask your mighty leader," I said taking the hat off. "As well as your son."

I put the hat on his head as he stood up. He didn't look that bad in a hat.

"What is this for?" He asked looking up at the hat.

I shrugged. "Nothing, just wanted to see what you looked like in a hat ....I'm gonna get that hat for you."

He raised an eyebrow.

"What? I am. You look good in a hat." My eyes widened. But he gladly didn't react.

He shrugged. "Alright."

I stared at him. Did he just....agree with me? Without using affirmative?

He did.

I shook my head. "Ok. You wanna try those on?" I asked looking at the shirts in his arms.

He shrugged and nodded.

"Alright then follow me" I said taking the hat back, jumping up to reach it, and took him to a changing stall.

"Remember, you take this off first." I pointed to his white shirt, "And then put one of these on.....ok?" I asked.

He nodded and I closed the door.
Dalton came over with the twins and Megatron. "Hey Ryan, the twins would like to search farther into the clothes is that fine?" He asked pushing Megatron into a stall and closing the door.

"Yeah that's fine just come back here when you're done." I answered shrugging.

"Thanks Rad!" They ran past Screamer as he put some clothes into the cart and I sighed.

"I....just made a huge mistake didn't I?" I asked.

"Yes you did." He answered.

"Thought so..."

"Uh Ryan?"


Soundwave cautiously came out of the fitting room. His white shirt replaced by a black one and a white button up shirt with black trim over the top of it, left unbuttoned. He fused with the collar and ruffled his brown hair. My jaw dropped.

"Damn you look good."

He froze. "Excuse me?"

I clamped my hand over my mouth. "Nothing."

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