| Preparations | 6 |

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"Stacy! Wake up! It's party day!" August was violently shaking me

"Can you stop waking me up like this?" I try and push him away

"No it's fun. C'mon get up, we gotta get stuff for the party ready!"

"It doesn't start till 8 pm, it's currently 8 am. Leave me alone." I roll over and put my pillow over my head

"No." He takes the pillow off my face and throws it on the floor "Get upppppp" he yanks my blanket off me. Now I'm awake. And mad.

"Okay fine! I'm awake get out!" I scream at him. He backs up and leaves my room. I'm going to kill him at some point I swear.

     I angrily get up and go downstairs and see Theo cooking some sort of something in the kitchen with August at the table. I sit down at the table across from him and lay my head down on it.

"Oh and here's the grocery list for tonight" he slides the list across the table and I stare at it

• Dip
• Punch
• Alcohol
• Pizza

I slam the list back down on the table "1. I don't have money 2. I'm not old enough to buy alcohol and I don't want either of you two drinking."

"I have money," Theo pulls out two $20's "and when has age stopped you from getting alcohol?"

"Okay screw you, and where did you get that much money?" Did he steal it?

"I have my ways, also while you're out can you get a speaker for the stereo?"

I roll my eyes at him "Why am I the one who has to go out?"

"Because Theo doesn't want to and no one is going to sell beer to a 14 year old." August chimes in

"Who's going to sell it to a seventeen year old?" Are they dumb?

"If people don't sell to teenagers then how did you Marshall, and Hannah get that beer a couple years ago?" How does he know that?

"How the hell do you know about that?"

"Oh please all three of you came back with bottles of beer under your coats, mom was just too distracted to notice." He has a stupid smile on his face "If people don't sell to teenagers then how'd you get it?"

"We stole it from old man Carson!" August starts laughing beside me "He passed out drunk on his bench with a full case of beer beside him and we took it."

"Well just steal some again"

"No! I don't want you two drinking!" I pause "Plus stealing is nerve racking and I don't like doing it."

"Buzzkill." August whispers. I hit his forehead and go back upstairs to my room.

These last four days have flown by, I spent them with gang doing miscellaneous activities. We snuck into the movies, 'robbed' a gas station, ate a lot of food, and joked a bunch. I've also gone out to see Johnny every night, he's quickly become my best friend. I've spent so many hours talking to him in the lot about everything, and I mean everything.

I take a shower, change into a one of my regular 'beach looking' outfits, and do some light makeup. I go back down stairs to see Theo and August eating breakfast. "Thanks for waiting for me." I say sarcastically

"We didn't know if you were coming back and we didn't want to check. Neither of us wanted to get hit again." I fill my plate and sit down beside them

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