| Spy | 58 |

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When people started pouring out of the building and returning to their cars we knew it was over. We waited by the edge of the building waiting for the gang to come out.

When they did we went over to them "So?" I ask

"We're having a rumble in three days at the vacant lot. We said skin on skin but they didn't say yes or no so time will tell, I guess." Darry says

"Shepard had to step in and stop a fight from happening right there, one of his boys and a Soc were trash talkin' each other." Two-Bit says

Dally lights a cigarette and takes a drag "Speaking of Shepard, his crew is going to the lot to bum around and drink, I'm going, anyone else in?"

"I'm in." I say

"Me too." Two-But says.

We look at the others and they shake their heads. We said goodbye to them then set off towards the lot behind Shepard's boys. "So it went okay?"

"As well as it can go, I wanted to pound this one guys face in. He wouldn't stop looking at me like he was better than me.. I hate that." Dally says

Two-Bit rolls his eyes "Yeah and this one fella, just by looking at him you could tell he's never been told no a day in his life."

"Sounds like a great time." I say sarcastically

"Yep, just as funny as bathing in broken glass." Two-Bit says

As the cold air blew around us I thought about Johnny, Ponyboy, and August. Was it warm where they were? Is it quiet? Is it safe? Are they even considering coming back? Why did they choose to go to Texas? God I hope they're alright.

     We reached the lot and someone started a small fire that most people were standing or sitting around. A few more people showed up the longer we were there. Theo and some guy were playing fighting and running around, Dally was drinking with Shepard, Two-Bit was making fun of one of Shepard's boys, and I was just leaned up against a tree looking at everything.

     A little red Sting Ray started driving up and we all stopped what we were doing as it pulled over. Everyone was ready for a fight. But it was Cherry Valance and not a herd of Socs. I mean I was still all for jumping her.

"Just what do we have here?" Dallas says with a smirk waking over to her

She crosses her arms and shivers. She waves me and Two-Bit over. "Look I just came to say I'm sorry. I feel like this whole mess is my fault. I want to do something to get rid of all this guilt.. I'll testify whenever court rolls around that Bob and everyone else was drunk and they were the ones looking for a fight and it was just self defense. I'll also keep you updated about whatever gets said about the rumble, okay?"

"That's mighty generous of you.." Two-Bit said skeptically

She looks down at her feet "I just feel like I have to. I started all this. If I had just stayed with Bob or not gone with y'all after the movie none of this would've happened.."

"Thanks.. I guess." I say

Dally slings an arm around her "Y'know it's awful late, why don't I take you over to the dingo for a Coke, eh?"

She shook his arm off "Don't touch me! I don't want to go out with you. Go to hell." I would say no one talks to my friends that way but he's being a creep so she gets a pass. She walked off and got back in her car and drove away.

"She sure does hate me, huh?" Dally laughs to himself

"I can't believe she would just help us like that." Two-Bit says "We got a spy.."

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