The week had flown by in a matter of seconds. It was exhausting. Steve told the whole gang my middle name and now they refused to call me anything else, except Johnny, he still called me Stacy.
Speaking of Johnny he's been acting weird. He hasn't been showing up to our nightly meetings in the lot, and he's barely talking to me in person. It hurt. The guy I like just not talking to me cut me like a knife. I didn't know if he was mad at me or what, but if finding out tonight.
Tonight there was going to be a fight in the school parking lot. Apparently since Two-Bit was in seventh grade he had fought the same guy Friday on the first week of school. They were both 19 but the other guy had already graduated, apparently this isn't Two-Bits first time in senior year.
The whole gang was going to support Two tonight and watch the fight. We were going to be taking two trucks, mine and Steve's, to pull up and sit in to watch, dally was getting beer, Pony was in charge of blankets, Soda was trying to get out of work, Two-Bit was practicing for the fight with Steve, Johnny was going to be lookout for the feds, and I was bringing the first-aid because fights are bloody.
If Two wins we were all going out to eat, my treat, if the other guy won I get to scold Two, and if the police show up Two-Bit runs like hell to get to the trucks and we take off like the wind. Hopefully he won't get arrested if he doesn't make it to the trucks.
For some reason I'm pretty ready for tonight, anytime there was a fight in San Francisco I was always front row watching it. Plus im pretty good at betting on them so I could win some money tonight. I'm usually scared for fights, especially when a friend of mine is involved. But I know that two won't die and this is just a friendlyish tradition.
I was sitting on the couch with Soda, who did manage to get out of work tonight, when- "LETS GOO" Two-Bit came roaring in through the back door. It startled everyone but it hyped us up also. Steve came running in after him cheering. We all started making our way to the trucks screaming and howling out cheering.
In my car it had Two in the passenger seat, and Ponyboy and Soda in the back. Which means Steve, Dally, and. . . Johnny were in the other car. Here goes nothing. "Hey guys do you know if Johnny is mad at me?" My voice shakes ever so slightly
Soda shakes his head, Two-Bit shrugged, Pony just looked at me. "He said something about chances and friends liking the same person. I don't know what he was on about but maybe it had something to do with that."
I took my eyes off the road to look at him through the rear view mirror "You're saying someone else likes me?"
He put his hands up and his eyes went wide "No no, I'm just paraphrasing what Johnny might have said." He sounded panicked, he whispered something underneath his breath I couldn't understand. I could tell there was some tension in the car because of that. To avoid the awkwardness I started blasting music, it worked. Three minutes later we were all singing along to 'My Girl' which is one of my favorites.
We got to the parking lot and we're one of the only ones here. I parked backwards so my bed was facing where the fight would be. We got out and I lowered the gate to my bed, Pony put down a couple of blankets and Soda threw down some snacks he had shoved in his pockets that he had stolen from the DX.
Steve pulled up beside me and he, Johnny, and Dallas hopped out of the truck. Dallas pretty much immediately cracked open a beer and handed Two one. Johnny stood back by Steve's truck. I went back around to my radio and turned it way up and lowered all the windows. It was like a mini party in the parking lot.
After about 20 minutes the place was filling up, and I had a bit of a buzz going on and it was pretty great. More cars showed up till it was eight, that's when the fight is supposed to start. Two-Bit made his way to the center of cars and people started clearing out of it. The other fella, whose name I learned is Jacob, appeared out of nowhere and went over to Two-Bit, they shook hands and took a few steps back. Someone yelled out go and the fight started.
My world was starting to become wobbly so I couldn't exactly see the fight unfortunately. But I had only had one beer I shouldn't be wobbly at all. I stumbled back to the drivers seat of my car and sat there with my head in my hands for a moment. Why do I feel this way? I hate this feeling if I'm not drunk. Uh oh. I thought I was going to puke so I got out and went to the front side of my truck, but nothing happened. Then it felt like I got hit with another wave of dizziness and then the ground came rushing to meet me.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Thanks for reading!!Word count : 927

Beach Babe | The Outsiders | Johnny Cade
FanfictionStacy Greene has just moved to town from California to get away from her past. She meets a gang of 'greasers' and quickly becomes friends with them. She's in a new town, with new friends, with new love, and new experiences. ⚠️WARNING⚠️ Story contain...