12. The Game

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The next day, I was escorted to school as I was everyday now. Cadence slipped his letterman on me again. It was game day. Everyone was excited about the championship. Everyone was dressed out to show their Ralph Forest High School pride. The whole school was decked out in blue and orange. Finally, it was pep rally time. The whole gym was excited and hyped up. Like last time, Cadence said a short speech. The band played another song while the drill team danced and the wave went around the crowd. After the playing of the Alma Mater, I rushed down to Cadence. He swooped me up and kissed me.

"Knock 'em dead babe," I smiled. He chuckled and set me down. I remembered the car. "Keys?" I said holding out my hand. He shook his head.

"There is no way I am letting you out of my sight. I'm driving. All four of us will be going in my car," he said. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"But you and Damon are supposed to ride the bus with the players," I said. He smiled.

"I've already talked to coach about it... I'm driving," he replied. I exhaled and shook my head.

"I would've been okay by myself," I mumbled. He held my cheek and looked at me.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight. I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you," he said softly. I blinked and kissed him quickly before we headed to the car. Kylie and Damon weren't out yet. I smiled to Cadence.

"This may be one of the only times we have to ourselves," I said quietly. He immediately pressed me up against the car. His lips crushed down on mine as his hand slid onto my waist. His other hand held my cheek. I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled his face closer to mine.

"Get a room," I heard from behind Cadence. I sighed and kissed him one more time before I pulled away reluctantly. I looked over to see Kylie and Damon walking up.

"It's not like that's possible with everyone on Ellie Watch," I said quietly and a little rudely. They all found that extremely hilarious. I rolled my eyes and got in the car. We were soon heading to the game. The car ride was loud as we all sang loudly to the music. When we reached the stadium, I kissed Cadence quickly before he handed me the keys.

"I'll see you after the game. Greg's party?" he asked. I hesitated. I remembered what happened last time I went to the post-game party. Finally, I shook it off and nodded. He kissed me one last time before he and Damon grabbed their gear out of the truck and went over to where the players were getting off the bus. I sighed as I watched him leave. Sooner or later, this was going to have to get easier.  We made our way to our seats and waited for the game to start. The players all ran out onto the field and the game started. I saw Cadence miss some passes on purpose, but I understood. We were leading by fourteen in the fourth quarter. In the last thirty seconds we got a touchdown. We all cheered when the clock hit zero. The guys were running around the field excitedly. Kylie, Tessa, and I made our way to the field. Damon picked Tessa up in a big hug and kissed her. I laughed and shook my head at them before I was picked up. Cadence hugged me as best as he could around his padding and smiled.

"We won!" he yelled. I laughed.

"I knew we would," I smiled. He kissed me deeply before he went with the guys to go change. We met the guys out by the car and drove to my house. I showered and changed into a sequenced, skin-tight, black, one shoulder dress and red heels. I did a dark smoky eye that brought out the blue in my eyes. I pinned half of my hair up in a ponytail and let the rest curl down a little past my shoulders. I put on a light layer of red lipstick and matched it with a small red purse. I went back out to my room and waited while Cadence showered and dressed. Damon and Kylie went to their own houses to change. Cadence came out in black jeans and a red button up shirt that matched me. I smiled and kissed him quickly. When Damon and Kylie got back, we went to the party. Kylie dressed in a red strapless dress, and Damon wore black jeans and a black button up shirt. I laughed when I realized we were all matching each other. Once at the party, I headed straight towards where I saw Tessa talking to Greg. I smiled and gave both of them a quick hug.

"Damon!" Tessa smiled. She hugged him tightly and kissed him. I smiled and looked at Cadence. He smiled as well. Greg laughed and handed us all shots. Cadence and Damon refused theirs, but Tessa, Kylie, and I all downed ours. We ended up having a shot competition. By the fourth one, I was buzzed. By the seventh one, I was fully drunk. We went to go dance with the guys. Kylie danced with Greg, I danced with Cadence, and Tessa danced with Damon. My body was in a delightfully warm state from the shots. We all danced drunkenly before Cadence and Damon decided we should go. I giggled when Cadence and Damon had to help Kylie and me into the car. When we got to the house, my warm feeling was gone and replaced with a feeling of nausea. I ran to the bathroom and threw up as soon as I got to my room. I felt someone holding my hair back. I assumed it was Cadence.  I brushed my teeth and went to lay down in my bed. Cadence took off my shoes for me and put the covers over me. I thanked him quietly and quickly fell asleep.

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