5- Suffocating on Air

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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I shot up and looked around. Cadence was gone. I was starting to wonder if I had just imagined the whole thing. I sighed and let my head rest in my hands for a moment before Cadence came in with a tray of food. He smiled at me softly.

"Breakfast in bed," he explained simply. I smiled at the gesture and sat up straighter as he set the tray in front of me. Just looking at the array of food was making my mouth water. There were pancakes, eggs, sausage, a blueberry muffin, coffee, and orange juice. I thanked him shyly and took a bite of the pancakes. That was it. I was a goner. I don't stop eating until the plate was spotless. I looked at Cadence shocked.

"That-" I started as I pointed to my empty plate, "-was delicious," I beamed at Cadence. He smiled as well and zoomed the tray back downstairs. He was back beside me in a flash.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I figured that we would take a break for today. A day to just rest and relax. No training, no Ian, just me you and a movie," he offered. I smiled softly at the thought and nodded. A day off was exactly what I needed right now.

"I'd like that," I said softly. He picked up my hand in his and kissed it quickly before he went to go put in a movie. I watched him with a light smile on my face. He really was a good guy. I don't know why he acted so harsh towards other people but I was glad I got to see this side of him. The caring side who would stay all day in bed with me and watch movies and bring me breakfast in bed. Thinking about it, I don't know what I ever saw in Justin. Sure he was nice to everyone, but he was also a 'class A' jerk when he wanted to be.

The sluts are always the ones you suspect the least.

Justin's words echoed in my head, causing me to frown as cadence came back to the bed. I threw the covers off of my body and mumbled a quick 'I'll be back' as I went to the restroom. I brushed my teeth and attempted to try to run a brush through my hair. After I finally got the knots out, I left my curly hair down and went back to my bed. Cadence was watching me on high-alert, like I might break down any second.

"I'm fine," I tried to assure him. He only turned back to the screen and hit play.

"I didn't say anything," he said in mock surrender. I rolled my eyes as I got comfortable. Cadence hugged me into his side and I rested my head on his shoulder as the movie started. A small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth when I saw what movie he out in. It was easily one of my favorites. I freaking loved this movie.

I had an internal debate about whether to tell Cadence what happened last night throughout most of the movie. He deserved an apology at least. Around halfway through the movie, I pulled my head up to look at Cadence.

"I'm sorry... for running off like that last night," I said softly. He returned my gaze and his face softened immediately.

"You don't have to apologize. I figured you had a good reason," he dismissed it. I looked at it curiously as it dawned on me that there was no way he could have seen me leave, so how did he know?

"How did you know I left anyway?" I voiced my thoughts. He shrugged with a small smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"I felt it," he answered. "It's easy to tell where you are now through feeling. I was talking with Damon and I felt sort of... cold, like I normally do at football practices when you're not there. Something in my gut was telling me that something was wrong. I got worried, so I went after you."

"You don't have to worry about me, you know."

"I know, but I couldn't, and can't, help it anymore. I had to see if you were okay. Seeing you that upset, I..." his voice trailed off and he wasn't looking at me anymore. His eyes were on the bed sheets. I swallowed the embarrassing lump in my throat as the silence enveloped us for a moment. He looked back to me; his eyes were angry and held fire, but I knew it wasn't towards me. That rage was reserved for someone else.

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