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We stayed at Ian's house for the next month, just to be sure that everything was okay. Grayson started growing extremely fast. He was already talking by the time the month ended. He wasn't fully pronouncing his words yet, but it was still very impressive. I asked Ian about it one time. He explained that Grayson had a lot more time to develop inside of me, causing him to hit his steppingstones a lot earlier than normal; which was perfectly fine with me, because he was potty trained and walking by the time he was three months old. We were finally taken off of house arrest... well I was anyway. I regained my normal strength and I was relishing in it. After saying goodbye to everyone, I picked Grayson and set him on my hip before I sped off. Grayson laughed and rested his head on my shoulder. I smiled down at him before I reached where I wanted to go; my parents' house. They hadn't seen Grayson yet because of the quarantine atmosphere at Ian's house. I was excited to show them my little Cadence. I set him down and knocked. My mother answered the door and looked at me happily.

"Honey! Ellie is here!" she yelled over her shoulder. I smiled and grabbed Grayson's hand as I walked inside. My dad appeared in the living room. My mom smiled and hugged me tightly as Grayson went to try and climb into the seat. I released her and looked over to Grayson. Chuckling, I picked him up and set him on my lap as I sat down. There was a knock on the door a few moments later. Of course, I felt who it was. I smiled and rushed to open the door with Grayson on my hip. Cadence laughed and walked inside.

"I can't even keep up with you anymore," he complained playfully. I laughed and went back to my seat. I handed Grayson to Cadence as he sat across the living room in the only other open seat. Grayson laughed and clapped as Cadence bounced him on his knee. I shot Cadence a look before he chuckled and stopped. My mother walked over to Grayson and smiled at him. Grayson held his arms out for her. My mom picked him up carefully.

"What's your name?" she asked in a baby voice. I knew she wasn't exactly expecting him to answer, but he did anyway. My mother looked at me shocked. "How-how old is he?" she stuttered. I laughed and looked at my early bloomer.

"Three months," I answered. Her jaw dropped even further. She tripped over her words as I laughed. I nodded and Grayson started reaching for me.

"Mommy," he demanded. My mom handed him to me and he curled up on my lap and rested his head on my shoulder.

"But he can walk... and talk," my dad said shocked. I laughed and nodded.

"Technically, he was also three months late, so he had a lot more time to develop. He just uses more of his brain," I explained. My mom nodded slowly. After visiting with my parents for a few more hours, Grayson started to yawn..

"We should get him to the house," Cadence suggested. I nodded and hugged my parents before we said goodbye and dashed out the door. I plopped down on the couch and curled my feet under me. Cadence collapsed beside me and wrapped an arm around me as he smiled.

"So what now?" I sighed. Grayson curled up on my lap and rested his head on my chest. Cadence chuckled and kissed his head.

"Now, we relax, and live, and raise Grayson," he answered. I sighed and closed my eyes as I relaxed.

"Blue!" Grayson exclaimed, catching my attention. I opened my eyes to see him point at Cadence, then me, then himself. I don't think he knew the importance of what he pointed out. It wasn't just that we all had blue eyes; it was a feature of who we are; of what he would be. It showed that we were all different than the rest of the world. Grayson didn't know that yet, but he would. And then he would be just like us, on his sixteenth birthday.

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