9- Let Me Get This Straight

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I shot up, gasping for air as I looked around. Cadence shushed me as he held my hand. I broke into a coughing fit as I tried to remember what happened. Last thing I remember was the necklace. My hand flew to my neck to see that it was still there. After I caught my breath, I noticed Cadence watching me carefully. I also noticed a beeping from a heart monitor.

"We couldn't get it off. It kept burning us," Cadence explained. It looked like he'd been dragged through the forest by a rope. Cadence looked terrible.

"What happened?" I asked hoarsely. Cadence kissed my hand gently before he handed me a glass of water. I drank it gratefully.

"You died... again. It had something to do with your necklace. You're in the safe room at Ian's house," Cadence explained. Right on cue, Ian walked in. He checked the monitors and my vitals before he sat on a chair beside me.

"Are you okay?" Ian asked. I mentally checked myself over and winced.

"My leg kind of hurts and my head is pounding," I said. Ian nodded and pulled the covers aside some to look at my leg. I looked and saw that it was practically snapped in half. Ian sighed and looked to Cadence.

"Keep her still. Healing this is going to hurt," Ian instructed Cadence. He nodded and did as he was told. Cadence took my hand in his and squeezed it gently.

"What do you mean?" I asked, but it was too late. Ian's hands hovered above my leg as it popped and fused back into place. I screamed and squeezed Cadence's hand tightly as I started squirming. Cadence held me down as Ian continued. I was surprised that my screaming alone didn't make them stop. After a moment, the pain eased into a dull throb. I tried to control my heavy breathing as I wiped away the tears that invaded my eyes.

"Why did that happen when I put the necklace on?" I asked an exhausted looking Ian. Ian sat down and sighed.

"It's a long story that starts back to way before you were even born. I want to make sure that you're okay first," he said.

"You have to tell her now," Cadence said worried. I sat up and looked between the two of them as Kylie and Damon walked in.

"Tell me what?" I asked, when no one spoke. Ian glanced at everyone before his eyes landed back on me and he sighed.

"Ellie, you're the same as us, but at the same time, you're different. You're special and precious... to everyone; even people who aren't like us. It started back around the 1800s. There was peace between us and the normal humans. Then, a man by the name of Shiatvzi, decided that we should be the superior race. He was like us. The Holocaust wasn't even the half of it. Those "Jews" were just people. Shiatvzi used it as a cover to kill off everyone who wasn't like us and experiment on people. He was a brilliant scientist. He wanted to control the world... he wanted power. He created an army of supers, like ourselves, mainly out of science. The people like us that he made from science often died after half a year. He couldn't make them as fast as they were dying off so the population got so low that he had no choice but to stop the experiments. People started fighting back. Shiatvzi still had a lot a power and fought them with everything he had. The fighting lasted another decade of so, even past the Holocaust.

Legend was that there was a savior coming to end it all for the better. The Legacy would be our people's Moses. Your parents realized that it was going to be you the second you were conceived. They died trying to get you out of the country safely. People were after you from every angle. Shiatvzi and his followers wanted you killed, while the others wanted you to save them. Myla, my wife, she died protecting you. I was the last leg who brought you to America. Myla and I were good friends with your parents. They trusted us with your life. Your parents asked me to keep a close eye on you. I forgot about the necklace until now. The necklace was charmed with your full power. What you could do before was only an eighth of it. They didn't want you to be chased before you had a chance to adjust to who we are," Ian explained. Tears streamed my face as I listened. It took me a few minutes to try and absorb the history lesson I just got.

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