17. Harvard

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I woke up the next morning and went straight to Tessa. She was already awake. I noticed that Ian moved a TV into this room for her. She was sitting up eating soup. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey Dr. Harper; how are you today?" she joked. I smiled and hugged her gently.

"Good, how are you feeling?" l asked. She giggled and drank more of her soup.

"I feel great, I'm ready to get back to solid foods already, but Damon said he doesn't want to take any more chances. I figured I'd let him try to play doctor for a little bit. Plus, I've scared him enough already," Tessa sighed. I laughed quietly.

"I closed up that scar. You can barely even see it. I did a good job healing it up. You're free to do whatever you want. Do you want to go see Roman and Raleigh?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. I cradled her in my arms and zoomed her to the room. I set her down carefully in front of the incubators. She smiled and touched the glass gently. They looked small and fragile. Tessa smiled at me.

"They're beautiful," she whispered. I smiled back at her.

"I can't believe I delivered your babies," I smiled. Tessa hugged me.

"You did a great job too. Maybe you should think about being a doctor, but first, we have a wedding to plan," Tessa winked. I blushed.

"It's probably going to be nothing big," I shrugged. She laughed at me.

"Right," she dragged out. "I've known you for how long now? It's not going to be just a simple ceremony." She laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled. The next two months were spent planning and watching. We spent summer planning the wedding and watching the twins. School had started back up and Tessa and I went everyday while Damon, Kylie, and Cadence stayed at Ian's to help with the twins. News had gotten around that I was getting married and Tessa had her twins. We were practically rock stars.  School was a walk through the park for me. I was making perfect grades in all of my classes. The twins were getting bigger by the day. Finally, they were taken out of the incubators. Ian wrapped them in pink and blue blankets. Of course, Damon and Tessa were the first to hold them. Raleigh looked around curiously while Roman just laughed. They were adorable. They were perfect. They both had the same blue eyes as all of us. I was next to hold them. I held Raleigh first. She smiled and started playing with my hair. I smiled as she wrapped her tiny hand around my finger. Her hair was dark and curly like mine. She got her hair and eyes from Damon. She had Tessa's facial features though. I held Roman next. He had blonde hair and a thin nose like Tessa. His eyes and face came from Damon though. Damon glowed with pride. He kissed both of them and smiled. Tessa sat on the bed and held them both at the same time. She smiled down at them lovingly. Raleigh looked at her chest and then back up to Tessa.

"Uh," Raleigh started. Raleigh opened her mouth like she was trying to eat something and looked back to Tessa's chest. I looked surprised.

"I... think she's hungry," I said softly. Roman started copying her. Everyone left the room except Damon and Tessa. I looked to Ian expectantly when we reached the living room. Cadence and Kylie sat on the couches.

"Was that possible?" I asked Ian. He nodded.

"With us... anything is possible, but they are a lot more intelligent than normal. It is possible that they are the only twins like us." Ian finished. Kylie smiled.

"They're very smart still though," Kylie jumped in. Ian nodded.

"Extremely," he agreed. When Tessa was done feeding them, we all took turns taking care of the twins. They were taken from the medical room to the living room. They were going home with Tessa tonight. Cadence touched my arm gently.

"Can I talk to you outside for a second?" Cadence asked quietly. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion before I nodded. We went to the front patio. He looked around before he looked back to me. I was starting to get antsy now.

"Cade," I whispered. He turned towards me.

"I'm leaving for Harvard tomorrow," he said softly. Tears stung my eyes. Tomorrow?

"How long have you known?" I asked quietly.

"For a few weeks now," he replied. I looked at him shocked. He's known all this time and he didn't tell me. I was starting to have a hard time breathing. I held onto the rail with one hand and clutched my stomach with the other. I turned away from him and started hyperventilating. Cadence touched my back. I pushed him away. I stood a little and looked at him.

"You knew all along and you didn't tell me?" I asked softly. I felt faint. I took off running.

"Elle," I heard Cadence say before I was blurring through the trees. I suddenly felt two people coming after me. I ran even faster. How could he not tell me? I didn't stop until I had to. I sunk to my knees in the sand of the beach. I looked over the water at the sun. People were to my left and right, but they paid no attention to me. I felt two people behind me and two in front of me.

"Svetlana Maritz," a heavy accented voice called from in front of me.

"No! Ellie run!" I heard from behind me. As I looked up, I felt pain across my face before I blacked out.

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