14. Complications

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I zoomed into the living room. Damon nodded and picked up Tessa. I rolled my eyes. "Please, Damon. I'll take Tessa." I smiled. Damon set her down reluctantly and she hopped on my back. I took off full speed to Ian's. He was waiting outside for us. He saw Tessa on my back and waved us in quickly. I set her down on the couch as the others started coming in behind me.

"That was unbelievable," Tessa breathed. "You were going so fast." She smiled. I laughed and sat next to her. Ian walked into the living room and looked at me immediately.

"You told her?" he asked shocked. I shrugged.

"I had to; she's pregnant," I replied. He looked at me confused.

"I'm afraid I don't understand. What does her being pregnant have to do with exposing yourself?" he asked. I looked at Tessa, then to Damon.

"It's his baby," I said simply, looking at Damon. "And she's my best friend." I added. Ian seemed to understand then. He looked at Damon.

"The spark?" he asked. Damon blushed and nodded. Damon looked down sheepishly. Ian chuckled and looked back to Tessa.

"Welcome," he smiled. "There is a lot you need to know before you give birth to your child. You can't go see a doctor, but I can examine you here, if needed. I have the equipment. " Ian continued. I looked at him confused.

"You have equipment for pregnancy?" I asked curiously. Ian blushed.

"Yes, well, when I saw the first spark between you and Cadence, I got it... just in case," Ian explained. I blushed deeply and looked at my hands. Kylie laughed.

"You were expected Ellie to get knocked up? How funny," Kylie laughed. I glared at her and used my mind to throw a pillow at her. It only made her laugh harder.

"Why can't I see a regular doctor? I thought they only get their powers when they turn sixteen," Tessa asked. Ian smiled.

"Ah, so you've already been informed. Even as a baby, it will be... different. Instead of the normal incubation time if nine months, it will take eleven months. Therefore, when you're four months you have to say that you're two months. It will keep people from wondering why it took two months longer than normal. This is also why you can't see a normal doctor. It will keep the suspicions down. Do you know how far along you are now?" Ian asked. Tessa shrugged. She was already starting to show a little.

"I don't know; Maybe a month or two," she suggested.

"Would you like to see it?" Ian asked. Tessa smiled and nodded. We went down to the safe room. It was now set up like a hospital room. Tessa sat on the table and Ian used the instruments to get a picture of the baby. "Oh my..." Ian breathed. He adjusted a few things before he waved me over to the monitor. I was even more shocked. She wasn't just pregnant with one baby.

"Tessa, you have twins," I informed her. She looked at me like she didn't believe me.

"Really?" she asked. I nodded. She twisted her head so she could look at the monitor. Damon, Kylie, Cadence all looked at the monitor as well.

"Wow Damon, you don't halfway do things do you?" Kylie joked. Tessa laughed heartily at that and we all eventually joined in. The only one who didn't laugh was Ian. He motioned me out into the hallway. I followed and waited.

"This isn't good," he started. I looked at him confused. "No one has ever survived the birth of twins of this nature. These babies could kill her. It was one thing to have a child inside you for eleven months, but twins... Elliot, her body won't be able to handle it and it could ultimately kill all of them." He finished in a hurry. I gasped and shook my head.

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