21. Vacation

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Life the next few weeks were hectic. We had to get invitations mailed out for the wedding. We had to plan the wedding. Tessa, Kylie and I went dress shopping. It was already decided that the color was going to be the same electric blue as our eyes. It was going to be great, but there was something we had to do first.

Cadence and I went into the living room were Tessa and Damon were playing with the twins. I looked back to Cadence nervously. Cadence smiled at me encouragingly. We walked in front of them and they both looked up.

"Tessa, will you be my maid of honor?" I asked. She squealed and nodded as she hugged me tightly. Cadence turned to Damon.

"Best man?" Cadence smiled. Damon gave him a quick bro-hug.

"Do you even have to ask?" Damon chuckled. Roman held his hands out.

"Ring," he smiled. I laughed and nodded. He was going to be the ring bearer. Raleigh pouted.

"Flowers," she asked.  I smiled and nodded to her as well.

"Of course Leigh," I replied. I would wait until they were older so they could walk. Raleigh clapped her tiny hands and laughed. Tessa picked her up and kissed her head. Cadence and I started heading out the door. Raleigh started whining and reaching for me. I turned just in time to hear Tessa.

"Aunty god-mommy has to go, but she'll be back," Tessa explained. I said goodbye to everyone before we left. Cadence and I went to my house for the night. After I was dressed and ready for bed, I crawled under the covers and switched on the TV. I needed a little mind-numbing television at the moment. Cadence zoomed in and laid down beside me. He smiled and pulled me on top of him. I smiled and kissed him. He rubbed small circles into my lower back.

"I was thinking... we can finally take that trip to Hawaii now," he smiled. I smiled as well and kissed him deeply and he chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes." He muttered through our kiss. He hugged me tightly to him. I broke away a bit breathlessly. I noticed that he was as well. I rested my elbows on his chest and propped my head up.

"Let's leave tomorrow," I smiled. He laughed as I rolled off of him.

"We can leave whenever you want," he smiled. I clapped and mocked Raleigh. He laughed and stood up before he kissed me. "Do you want me to pack for you?" He asked. I nodded and rolled onto my side. Soon, I fell asleep to the sound of Cadence packing.


The next morning, we stopped by Ian's house and let them know what we were doing before we left. Tessa and Damon wished us a good time. Raleigh and Roman both started crying. I gave them both a hug before we said goodbye to Ian, and left. Once we were cleared through security and our bags were put away, we boarded the plane. I smiled and sighed contently as I closed my eyes.

"Are you excited to be getting away for a few weeks?" Cadence asked softly. My smile widened as I nodded.

"I am excited, but I can't help but to think of all the work that needs to be done for the wedding," I replied with my eyes closed. Cadence kissed my cheek softly and pulled me into him.

"Don't worry about that; Kylie and Tessa are handling all of that. All you need to do is relax," Cadence explained. He kissed my forehead gently. I opened my eyes and looked at my engagement ring. I smiled to myself as the memories flooded to my mind. I thought of how he proposed and how shocked I was. It still gave me butterflies. I sighed contently and closed my eyes.


I was in a house I didn't recognize, but somehow, I knew it was my house. I was in the kitchen making dinner. Cadence came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and turned into him. I smiled and kissed him gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I deepened the kiss.

"Mommy!" I heard coming from around the corner. Suddenly a little girl came running into the room. I smiled and picked her up. She couldn't have been more than four years old. Cadence kissed her cheek gently and hugged us all. Suddenly, I smelled something burning. I looked over to see Shiatvzi's body burning in a fire. My little girl was no longer in my arms. Cadence was tied up behind me. Shiatvzi suddenly came together and walked out of the fire. He smiled evilly at me and grabbed my arm.

"Ellie," he kept repeating. I squirmed and tried to get out, but I couldn't. I felt trapped and stuck. My hands started trembling. An army appeared behind him and started coming towards me. I heard my little girl's scream. I turned my head to see her tied up next to Cadence. I started crying. This was too much. Why couldn't I free myself? I struggled harder and tried to save my family, but I was stuck. My name kept repeating louder. It was no use. I shot up and my eyes darted around. It was the setting of the plane. I'd never been captured. Shiatvzi wasn't alive. I never had a little girl. My family was only imaginary. I sighed and leaned back in my seat.

"Ellie, are you okay?" Cadence asked. I looked around once more and nodded hesitantly. I realized now that Cadence was the one who was calling my name repeatedly. He was probably trying to wake me up.

"I just had a bad dream," I mumbled. He looked at me worried. He looked like he really wanted to ask something, but he kept his mouth shut. I was about to ask him what it was when the captain came on over the system.

"We are now landed in Hawaii. Have a good time and enjoy your stay. Aloha," the captain said. I undid my seatbelt and yawned. I stood up and waited for Cadence. He grabbed our carry-ons and we exited the plane. After we gathered all of our luggage, we headed to the hotel. Hula dancers meet us at the door and placed leis on our necks. I smiled. We checked in and headed up to our room. We had a view overlooking the resort. I saw the water in front of the sunset and immediately got excited. I turned to Cadence expectantly. He lay back on the bed and closed his eyes. I jumped on the bed and sat beside him. He opened his eyes and looked at me lazily.

"You can't go to sleep now, we just got here," I whined. He chuckled sleepily and moved so his head was in my lap. He looked up to me and I started playing with his hair.

"I didn't sleep the whole plan ride, and plus, it's going to get dark in a second anyway," he said. I sighed and looked back to the window. I did sleep the whole time, and Cadence was probably tired. I wasn't going to keep him awake because of what I wanted. I turned to him and nodded.

"Fine, but tomorrow is going to be full of fun," I smiled. He laughed and rolled off of me. He showered and got ready for bed. I sat back and flipped through channels. When he came back out, I went to go get ready for bed. When I finished, I crawled under the covers and went to sleep.

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