25. Honeymoon

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Cadence woke me up when we landed. After gathering our bags, we headed to the hotel. Cadence laid down on the bed when we walked into the room. I straddled him and kissed him hungrily. He flipped me over lightening fast and kissed me back just as hungrily. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to me. He touched my face gently and let his hand trail down to my hip.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," he muttered against my lips in something that sounded almost like a growl. His words sent electricity through me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and moaned lightly. "I love you." He said quietly.

"I love you too," I said around his lips.

The next morning, we went to the lobby and ate breakfast. Cadence had everything planned out, but I had no idea what we were doing yet.  After breakfast, we went back up to the room.

"Put your swimsuit on for what we're doing today," Cadence smiled slyly. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed as I looked over to him.

"Are you going to tell me what we're doing?" I asked. He shook his head and smiled. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me quickly and handed me my swimsuit. Sighing, I changed into the pink polka dot bikini he handed me. I slipped on a tank top and shorts. After brushing through my hair and grabbing some flip flops, we headed out the door. We were soon meeting with a guy in a scuba diving outfit near a tank filled with unbelievably blue water. I was confused up until I saw a dolphin flip out of the water. I gasped smiling and looked at Cadence.

"Are we going to go swimming with the dolphins?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. I squealed and practically jumped on him as I hugged him. He laughed.

"I thought you would like it," he joked. After we were properly dressed, the man, who I now knew was our instructor named Guy, led us to the platform that had direct access to the tank. The dolphins came up and put their heads right on the edge. Guy instructed us around them, and soon we were holding onto their fins as they swam around the tank. It was the most amazing thing ever. The dolphins were well behaved and they obeyed every order that was given. When we were too exhausted to go on, we dragged ourselves out of the water and thanked Guy before going back to the room. I showered and quickly got under the covers. Cadence laughed.

"Are you tired already?" he asked. I closed my eyes and nodded. He chuckled and took a quick shower before getting in beside me. I turned into him and snuggled against him. He kissed me and held me close to him.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," I mumbled half asleep.

The next week, we spent our precious time lounging around the room. We would go out to the beach every now and then, but we rarely left our room. There was really no need to. Our room had a great view of the bright blue waters and we could easily watch the sunset from where we were. Every morning, I was greeted with soft kisses. Every night I was caressed till I fell asleep. Everything felt different, but the same. His touch sent electric comfort through me. Every single touch kept the strength of our first spark. It never faded, just like our love would never fade. Around the middle of that vacation, I felt a little weird. I had a suspicion, so while Cade was preoccupied with getting extra towels, I checked for what I thought it might be. I didn't tell Cade yet though, and I even took an extra precaution to thrown the evidence away in a random hallway trashcan. All too soon, our honeymoon was over. Now that everything was finally going well, I could talk about a family with Cadence. We were walking into my room when I decided to bring it up. I sat on my bed and looked at Cadence as he lay beside me. He smiled and closed his eyes. He looked contently tired. He lazily slung an arm around me and pulled me down to lay beside him. I sat up on my elbow and stroked his cheek gently. His breathtakingly blue eyes peaked up at me from under his impossibly perfect eyelashes. His loose smile appeared.

"What are you thinking about?" he said quietly. I only then realized that I probably looked like I was deep in thought. I couldn't look away from his eyes. He had me locked, and he knew it too. He softly pressed my back against the bed and hovered above me. He kissed my neck softly before he pulled away. I giggled and pushed him off of me, sitting up.

"I thought you were tired," I giggled. He gave me a devilish grin that made me want to be so much closer to him than we currently were. His face turned thoughtful.

"What were you thinking about?" he asked me again curiously. I smiled softly and curled up on my side. He lay down next to me and pulled me into him.

"I was just thinking about us having a family of our own," I smiled nervously. He tensed slightly. I sat up and looked at him confused. "What? What's wrong?" I asked. His eyes closed as he gathered whatever thoughts were running through his mind.

"I just think... it might be... too dangerous... to bring a child into... this," he said hesitantly. I felt my heart drop.

"Everything's finally going right Cade. Why not?" I asked with a hint of whining in my voice. He scrunched his eyebrows as he sat up too now.

"We thought everything was going right when John..." he started but suddenly swallowed roughly and looked away. I held his cheek and made him look at me.

"Cade, this is different," I tried to assure him. My voice came out soft and a little scared of what he might say. His eyes watched me carefully.

"I don't see how," he shook his head. I sighed and looked away from him. Big, wet tears fell silently from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away. Now wasn't a good time to tell him. I stood and made my way quietly to the bathroom.

"I'm going to take a shower," I mumbled. I didn't wait for his reply. I shut the door behind me and turned the shower water on. I sat against the door and silently started crying. I knew he was right, but there was nothing I could do about it now. I sobbed lightly before I actually got in the shower. It was cold by the time I got out. I tried to linger in the bathroom for a while. I looked at myself in the mirror after dressing and brushing through my hair. I placed a shaking hand on my stomach and sighed. I closed my eyes. Now was not a good time to tell him. Taking a deep breath and preparing myself, I placed my hand on the handle before I walked into the room. Cadence was sitting there watching me curiously.

"Are you okay? You look upset about something," he noted. I shook my head and smiled tightly. I wasn't going to tip him off today. I got under the covers and pulled the covers over me. I mumbled a goodnight and closed my eyes. Cadence wasn't giving up so easily though. He touched my cheek and I opened my eyes.

"What's wrong Elle?" he asked quietly and compassionately. I turned to face him and my eyes watered.

"Nothing," I whispered. He wiped a tear away and pulled me against him. I put my back into his chest. He wrapped an arm around me, his hand resting on my stomach. I shivered and pulled his hand away. He sat up confused.

"Elle, what's wrong?" he asked. I stayed quiet. "Why won't you talk to me? Did I do something wrong?" he asked. His face looked concerned and a bit hurt. I opened my eyes and shook my head.

"No, of course not. It's just... I haven't been feeling well lately, I think I'm getting sick," I lied. He relaxed noticeably and laid back down.

"Okay... I love you Elle. Goodnight," he whispered.

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