4- Football, Boys, and a Little Black Dress

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The next few weeks passed uneventfully. Other than me getting used to hearing everything, I focused mainly on just acting like a normal person. We would go to school, come back, Kylie would watch me while Cadence and Damon went to football practice, Cadence would come back and sleep on the floor. I had to say, I kind of missed sleeping with him, but after Kylie's whole shipping incident, I don't think we wanted to go there again. Cadence didn't like me, so why should I even care enough to think about it.

Fridays were the exception where Kylie and I would go watch the boys at the games. They were pretty good, and I could see why they made Cadence the quarterback. He might not talk to many people but he knew how to communicate during the games. Somewhere in those few weeks, Cadence started loosening up around me. Sometimes we would play games or he would help me train when we didn't go to Ian's on the weekends. I was getting better at blocking out unnecessary sounds and noises.

For a month, this routine continued. Training sessions with Ian were more frequent. Ian was always happy to see us, and he would always look at us like he knew something that we didn't. I learned to just ignore it after a while. The surprising part was the fact that I started to get to know Cadence better. He opened up and started talking to me. I would even go as far as to say that we were friends. I broke up with Justin when I realized that I would be lying to him if I continued our relationship.


It was Friday again and we were having a pep rally for the important District Championship game that was going to be tonight. Everyone filed into the gym as the band played upbeat music to try and get the crowd hyped; not that they weren't already. I found a place next to Kylie and smiled excitedly. You couldn't help but to get caught up in all the school spirit. I felt a little bad for ignoring Tessa, but I didn't hang out with her for the same reason I broke up with Justin. She didn't pry, surprisingly.

I smiled down at Cadence and he smiled right back. I glanced over, scanning the team and caught Justin's eye. He glared at Cadence and then me. I ignored him and found Damon just in time to see him blowing Kylie and I kisses. I giggled and turned my attention back to Cadence who was making his way over to the microphone with a few other players to give a short speech about being at the game tonight. The crowd went wild.

"Let's go Cade!" I yelled as he smiled up at me after his speech. We all sang the alma mater as our mascot did this weird slow dance. All the football players were in their dark blue jerseys. The color really brought out Cadence's eyes against his olive skin tone.

Wait what?

The pep rally ended and we all bustled around the gym talking excitedly. I felt sparks erupt all over my body as I was scooped up and spun. I giggled and squirmed slightly, knowing it was Cadence.

"Put me down you goofball," I laughed. We were so used to the sparks now that we just chose to ignore them.

"I'm so excited for tonight. It's going to be a great game! Maybe we could hit up Greg's after party if we win," he said excitedly. All I could do was laugh at him and shake my head. Cadence had never been this excited about anything but food.

"Sounds like a good idea. Oh, I need the keys," I said, holding out my hand. He dropped them in my hand before he gave me another tight squeeze and went to where the rest of the players were getting on a bus. I smiled happily and headed to the car.

"Ellie!" I heard from behind me. I turned to see Tessa jogging up to me. She pouted slightly until she started eyeing the Volvo. "Whoa, nice car. Was it a 16 gift?" she asked. I shook my head as I hit unlock on the keys.

"No, it's Cade's car," I replied easily. The pout returned.

"So I guess you started talking to him when you started ignoring me right?" she said with a hint of sarcasm. I frowned at her.

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