27. Spill

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Hiding it required a lot of secrecy from him, but he was none the wiser. His mood was great. He was always happy. My mood was a little less than that. Every day we went to Ian's, Tessa would ask 'today'. I was only shake my head and reply with 'not today'. Cadence would look at me curiously every time, but he was starting to ignore it now. Life, sadly, went on. Graduation for Tessa and me was approaching us rapidly. My vacations from school hadn't made me slack on my schoolwork. I tested out of all my classes to spend more time with everyone. My grades were all A's, and despite not being there for a while, the counselor called me into the office one day to tell me that I was Valid Victorian. I giggled. I thought about the irony of that. It's been almost a year since Cadence proposed to me. When I got to Ian's Cadence was still out at the shooting range with Damon. I sighed as I sat on the couch. Thinking about Cadence, I placed a hand on my stomach and looked vacantly at the floor.

"Ellie?" I heard from in front of me. I blushed and pulled my hand away from my stomach as I saw Ian watching me. I stood up and started stammering. He stopped me by putting a hand up. "Are you pregnant, Ellie?" He asked curiously. I hesitated before I nodded.

"Yes, but you can't tell Cadence. He's already said that we shouldn't have one, but Tessa knows. I don't know how far along I am, but I think I might be two or three months," I explained. He took a deep breath and nodded.

"Do you want to go check?" he asked. I nodded. We went down to the secret room. I was sure to close the door behind me just in case Cadence and Damon came back. Ian put the cold gel on my stomach and moved a wand around. After wiping the gel off, he smiled softly.

"How far am I?" I asked. His smile widened.

"Two months," he answered. I sighed and smiled softly as well. I replaced my shirt and stood up. I hugged Ian quickly. "Thanks... for everything Ian." I said. He rubbed my back and replied before I turned and went out of the room. I was smiling and bounding down to the living room when Cadence and Damon came in. He saw me and smiled. I kissed him deeply as I held in my stomach. He chuckled.

"Hey to you too," he smiled as we pulled away. "What's up?"

"I'm just... really happy right now," I sighed dreamily. He chuckled and kissed me again. I debated on telling him now while he was happy, but he might get mad. I let another month go by. I was definitely getting bigger, but I held my stomach in skillfully around him. I made sure I slept to where he couldn't put his arm on my stomach. I always put a pillow in front of my stomach and hid the bump well with the covers. I ate a lot more, but he never asked about that. He never asked about weight either because of the fact that he would see me eat a lot. I was contently happy. This went on until I was four months.

We were walking into Ian's house when the twins ran up to me. They were so big now. They were officially a year old. They held their arms up to me and I smiled as I picked them up effortlessly. I held my stomach in expertly as I kissed each of their heads. I set them down and looked at Tessa. She smiled sadly at me. I shook my head. She sighed and walked over to me when it was clear she wanted to talk to me. I turned and waited for her to get on my back. She was a little hesitant, but finally got on. I ran us out to the forest and set her down.

"Why won't you tell him?" she asked. I sighed and ran my hands over my face.

"He's just... so happy right now; I don't want to ruin that," I said softly. She placed her hands on her hips and impatiently tapped her foot.

"You need to tell him Ellie. It's his baby too. You never know, he might be happy about it," she tried. I shook my head.

"He's already made his point very clear. He doesn't want a baby right now. Please Tessa... he doesn't want this, and I don't want to tell him right now. Please... just let it go," I begged desperately. She shook her head and dropped her hands from her hips.

"You're married Ellie. You're supposed to tell each other everything. Hell, I'm not married to Damon and I still tell him everything. I know I promised you I wouldn't tell him, but if you don't, I will; and that's a promise," she threatened. Tears stung my eyes and started freaking out.

"Tessa, you can't," I practically yelled. I let my stomach out as I argued with her. "I don't want to tell him yet." I said. I felt Cadence and Damon near me again. Soon, they were in sight. I held my stomach in and looked at Cadence shocked. His face was hard and accusing.

"Tell me what?" he asked. I glared at Tessa, and she glared right back. Damon stood to the side of Tessa watching. I said nothing as I watched everyone.

"Tell him," Tessa ordered. I sighed and released my stomach. I put a hand on it and looked at my hand.

"Cade, I'm pregnant," I admitted. I looked up and flinched when I heard a tree crack. He'd just punched it. He looked back to me.

"How far?" he asked when he seemed to calm down some.

"Four months," I replied quietly. He looked like he was about to punch the tree again, but he didn't.

"You've known this long and you didn't tell me? I'm a part of this too, Ellie. You didn't think that would've been something I would've needed to know?" he paused before he closed his eyes and sighed. "Oh God... the eating, the weight gain, the throwing up, the mood swings... the questions about a family. Ellie..." he sighed in defeat. He walked over to me and wiped my wet cheek. It was only then that I realized I was crying. I shook lightly. I just watched Cadence as he watched me. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked quietly. A small sob escaped me.

"Because when I asked you about it, you were so set on us not having a family that I got scared to tell you," I explained through my tears. He sighed and rested his head against mine. I felt our spark, it was comforting and I easily relaxed into him. I heard Damon leave with Tessa as my eyes closed.

"I'm sorry baby. I should've let you talk instead of doing that to you and forcing you to hide this from me," he whispered. Another sob escaped me as his hand touched my stomach. I shivered slightly and opened my eyes. I looked up at Cadence's peaceful and calm face. He kissed my head and hugged me gently.

"It's okay Ellie. Everything's going to be fine, okay. I'm not mad anymore. I'm sorry. I love you," he comforted me quietly as I cried. When my tears subsided, I pulled back and looked at Cadence.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," I whispered quietly. He smiled softly and kissed me.

"It's okay Elle... let's go back to Ian's. They're probably wondering what's taking us so long," he suggested. I nodded and wiped my face before I ran full speed to Ian's. I was pretty sure my eyes were bloodshot and puffy, but I smiled regardless. Tessa gave me a sad smiled and mouthed 'sorry'. I shook my head and mouthed a thank you before I went to the bathroom and washed my face. Cadence's arms wrapped around me as I dried my face.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly. I nodded and smiled. I leaned back into him.

"I feel much... much better now. I really hated lying to you," I answered. He kissed my cheek before I released myself from his arms and went back downstairs. Ian looked at me curiously before he looked to Cadence. He gave me a questioning look and I nodded. He relaxed noticeably and walked over to the twins.

"Oh good, you told him," Ian smiled. Cadence's jaw dropped and I laughed. The rest of our day went smoothly. I stayed at Ian's a little longer to play with the twins. We left with Tessa saying that we could babysit them anytime I wanted the practice. At my house, I gave the news to my parents. They were ecstatic and congratulated me profusely. When I could finally go to my room, I was exhausted. I quickly showered and went to sleep.

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