11. Separation Issues

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When the bell rang, we got up and headed to our next classes. Tessa hugged me tightly.

"You owe me a girls' night," she said before she left in the other direction. I chuckled and shook my head at her. I turned to look at Damon.

"You should ask her out," I smiled at him. He looked at me shocked.

"Seriously, with everything that's going on, and you want me to ask out your normal best friend?" he asked, choosing his words carefully. I shrugged. I looked at Cadence and we both laughed. Cadence laced his fingers with mine and squeezed lightly. The signature spark was there like it always was.

"That spark you felt," Cadence started. "It means more than you think it does. Ask her out. I don't think you'll regret it at all. I still don't," Cadence said before he pulled me into his side and kissed my head. Damon and Kylie both rolled their eyes.

"You guys are forever newlyweds," Kylie said, pretending to gag. We just laughed at her.

"Maybe I will ask her out," Damon caved. I smiled. Tessa would like that. I managed to make it through the rest of the day without any more complications. Cadence had a long football practice so Kylie and Damon kept me company. Damon skipped out on the practice to be an extra pair of eyes. I felt hollow as I curled up on my bed and held my pillow. I realized that this was one of the longest times Cadence and I had ever been away from each other since we met. It was kind of pathetic, but I was craving his touch... hell, just his presence.

Needless to say, I was happy when he got back. I heard him coming from a mile away. I jumped on him when he finally came in through the window. With me being stronger than him now, I realized that I knocked his over. He was laying on his back on the ground as I straddled his waist. He laughed before I kissed him roughly. His hands went to my waist as Damon laughed and Kylie gagged.

"Hi to you too," Cadence chuckled when I finally gave him time to breath. I smiled and kissed him again. We were still laying on the floor but I didn't care. I put my head on his chest and sighed contently.

"I missed you," I sighed. He stood, holding me gently, before setting me on the bed.

"I missed you too," he smiled.

"You'd think you guys haven't seen each other in years instead of hours with Ellie's separation issues," Kylie rolled her eyes. I pouted and turned to face her.

"I do not have separation issues," I said, crossing my arms. She rolled her eyes again and me being the mature person I am, I stuck my tongue out towards her. Cadence chuckled and kissed my cheek, making me smile instantly. I turned on the radio and laid down. Cadence laid down beside me and kissed my neck gently before he moved to rest his head against my stomach. I sighed.

Tomorrow was Friday. That meant the boys were going to play the final round of games for the state championship in football. I smiled in anticipation. I loved going to the games and watching Cadence in those tight football pants. The mental images I was getting was sending my heart and hormones into overdrive.

After a moment, I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed and cool off. I came back to find Cadence gone. I frowned at Damon. As if he knew exactly what I was hinting at, he smirked at me.

"He went to take the first shift," Damon explained. I sighed and crawled into the bed. I tried to stay awake as late as I possibly could, hoping that I would be able to say goodnight to Cadence. I wanted to fall asleep in his arms like I had been. I continued looking at the window. I don't know how much I sighed, but it must have been a lot because Damon stood and crossed his arms.

"Cade, get in here," he said, walking towards the window. Cadence breezed in, looking worried.

"What's wrong?" he asked. Damon nodded his head towards me.

"She's not going to sleep with you out there. I'll take over outside," he said. Cadence looked at me amused as I shrugged. Damon zoomed out of the room and Cadence and I were alone. I could kiss Damon right now.

"I was going to go to sleep. I just... I didn't want to without you," I admitted softly. He shrugged off his jeans before he got in. I wasted no time curling up against him.

"Goodnight Cade," I whispered.

"Goodnight Ellie."

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