8- Dying Again

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The next week went by in monotone. I would go to school, train with Ian, and then fool around with Cadence until it was time to hit the hay. Cadence took the week to plan our first date. He would always get really quiet and chew on his lip when he thought hard. I'd pretended that he was thinking about our upcoming date and not whatever else Ian was talking about that one day. That day still haunts me. Why was I so important?

Finally the Saturday came where Cadence would take me on an official date. He picked out a simple blue sundress and laid it on the bed for me. I looked at his smiling face curiously before I changed into it in the bathroom and did my hair and makeup. I just straightened my hair and put on a tiny bit of bronze eye shadow and mascara. When I walked out, Cadence handed me a pair of black wedges. 

"Where are we going?" I asked. He only smiled and offered me a hand out the back window.

"You'll see," he said. He blindfolded me and scooped me up. I sighed and just rested my head on his shoulder as I felt him start running. I might as well just relax until we get there. When he stopped, I could hear birds and water. The sun felt good against my skin. Cadence took off my shoes before setting my feet down in sand. I smiled and ripped my blindfold off to be met with a beach. Cadence had a blanket laid out over the sand with a picnic basket on top. He held my hand and led me towards the blanket.

"A picnic on the beach?" I guessed. His cheeks tinted a light pink as he shrugged.

"I know it's now much but-"

"It's perfect," I smiled as I sat on the blanket. Cadence sat next to me and pulled out all of the food. I noticed that the sun was starting to set over the water, creating a sunset glow over everything. We talked and ate in peace as it got darker. I couldn't help the yawn that escaped my lips. Cadence chuckled and kissed my cheek before he stood.

"Come on, let's go home and get some rest," he said. I nodded and let him scoop me up and carry me back. I fell asleep in his arms wih a small smile on my face.


We fell into a simple routine: school, training with Ian, feet of our occasional dates and then repeat. Cadence was great. Justin never tried to challenge Cadence again. In fact, Justin looked like he would pee his pants every time he was within 500 Cadence or myself. Our easy routine went on for weeks. As far as football went, the boys won the next two games and advanced to the championship. Things were going swimmingly for the most part, but I couldn't stop thinking about my parents.

My real parents.

What made me so special? I wondered if it had anything to do with them. Surely if my adoptives knew something they would tell me right? What Ian said had been haunting me since I heard it. I had to find out what was going on and I had to find out soon.

Cadence was out at football practice when I got home that Friday. It was one of those rare occasions where Cadence was gone and my parents were here. After showering and getting dressed for bed, I strolled into the kitchen and sat on a bar stool. My mom was working on a pot of something for dinner as my dad was chopping vegetables. Now was the perfect time. I cleared my throat and shot my parents a dazzling smile.

"What are you making?" I asked innocently.

"Spaghetti and veggies," my dad answered. I waited a moment as I tried to see how I was going to approach the next subject.

Might as well just dive in, I thought.

"D-Did you guys know anything about my birth parents?" I asked hesitantly as I swiveled in my chair. My parents both froze before they turned to face me. They shared a knowing look with each other before my mom sighed with a sad look on her face.

"We never met them... or saw them. All we knew was that you was rescued from a war of sorts in a small country near Russia. The company told us that your parents died trying to protect you. When we first saw you, you stole our heart immediately. There was no question about it that you were ours," my mom explained with a hint of determination. My dad looked to my mom and held her hand.

"What about that thing?" he asked her. A look of recognition crossed her face and I was suddenly curious.

"What thing?" I asked as I perked. My dad sighed and left before coming back with a long thin box.

"We were told to give this to you on your 16th birthday. The company told us that it was your birth parents' dying wish. We completely forgot about it until now with you disappearing and all," he said in a way that let me know that he was not over that. I smiled sheepishly and shrugged as he handed me the box. I hugged them both and sighed.

"You guys are the best parents a girl could ask for... and I mean that," I assured them. My mom smiled with glistening eyes. I shook my head at her and chuckled. She was so over-dramatic. We ate dinner together before I retired to my room. My parents decided to go out after dinner, just the two of them, which was fine by me. It gave me time to examine the box left behind by my birth parents in peace. I jumped slightly when I saw Cadence. I didn't know he was back yet. I brought my hand to my chest and let out a breath.

"God Cade, you can't sneak up on me like that," I said for the millionth time. I hid the box behind my back as I tried to distract him. He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms as he looked at me curiously.

"What are you up to?" he asked, squinting his eyes some. I shrugged and headed to my vanity. I set the box down and picked up my hairbrush. My hair was actually straight today.

"Nothing... how was practice?" I said changing the subject. He kissed my cheek before he went to sit on the bed.

"It was good..." Cadence started. He went on and on about practice while I picked up and opened the box. I had to keep from gasping out loud. Inside was a beautiful necklace. It had a foreign-looking flower on it with a sapphire jewel in the center of the silver flower. "What's that?" Cadence asked, snapping me out of my daze.

"Nothing," I answered automatically. I put on the necklace before Cadence had a chance to stop me. He realized what I was doing too late.

"No!" he yelled. It was too late. The sapphire glowed brightly and I was thrown off my feet. My back hit the vanity hard as a loud boom shook the house and hurt my ears. Cadence was thrown to the other side of the bed where I couldn't see him. I groaned and held my ears as they started ringing painfully. My body started to ache. I couldn't move. The vanity had fallen straight on my leg.

"Ellie!" Cadence's muffled voice yelled under the ringing in my ears. My chest felt like an elephant was sitting on it. My eyes shot open as I struggled to breath. Cadence was kneeling over me and trying to figure out what to do. I couldn't move and I couldn't speak. I could barely breathe. I fought and fought to stay awake as Cadence moved the vanity off of me and tried to assess the damage. He carefully scooped me up, making me yell out in pain, although I couldn't hear it. I couldn't fight it anymore. I let my eyes close and my breathing slow down. I let the darkness overtake me.

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