3- Back to Almost Normal

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Monday, Cadence and I ran to school. I left my car there so we left early to get there unnoticed. When we reached the edge of the parking lot, we walked at normal human speed. We walked inside the school just as the first bell was ringing. The hallways were starting to crowd. Cadence put a hand on my arm, stopping me. I jumped slightly as his touch shocked me. The electricity flew threw my body again, making me shudder. He noticed too, but brushed it off, so I decided to do the same.

"You have to be careful. Don't expose yourself. I'll be around if you need me. But do me a favor and don't need me. Remember, your hearing and vision is highly enhanced now. Don't screw up," he instructed so quietly that no one else would hear it. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"The amount of confidence you have in me is heartwarming... really," I said sarcastically. I saw Justin watching me with Cadence skeptically but I had other things to worry about.

"I know that you're new to this and a tad naive so forgive me for not trusting you," he snapped back. This felt like a game of sarcasm.

"Fine... and we're taking my car back to my house after school. I have a lot of explaining to do to my parents and they're not going to let me out of their sight for a while," I replied seriously. He nodded once and sighed.

"We should actually try to get along," he muttered more to himself than me.

"I'll play nice," I said sarcastically before I started heading towards my locker. When I got there, Justin was waiting for me. I simply unlocked my locker and got out my necessary books. He looked at me confused and worried.

"What happened to you? Why did you disappear off of the face of the Earth for two weeks?" he asked as we started walking towards my class. "I've been calling you. And now you come back and hang out with that Candace kid? Are you okay?" Justin asked just as we turned the corner. I held my books closer to my chest as I tried to think of a plausible explanation.

"First, his name is Cadence, and he's not as bad as the rumors. Second, I'm fine... my appendix ruptured and I had to stay home a few weeks after the surgery. I'm better now though. And third, I was hyped up on drugs, I wasn't really paying attention to my phone," I lied easily. He still looked at me curiously.

"Cadence?" he said that that would explain everything. I only shrugged. Justin knew Cadence from the football team, but that didn't mean that he liked him.

"I ran into him a while ago. We're friends," I said. That was a lie. I didn't understand Cadence at all. He was a big mystery to me. I didn't know if he considered me a friend or not. He was confusing and evasive and secretive. Plus, he was barely talking to me. He only talked to me when he had to. Justin only shrugged.

"Whatever," he muttered. Justin dropped me by my classroom with a peck on my cheek. I avoided kissing him. I really wasn't in the mood at the moment. My science teacher asked me if I was okay. I guess the sub told her what happened. I gave her the same lie I fed Justin. Everyone was giving me sympathetic looks and I just wanted them to stop paying attention to me. I tried to ignore the whispering, but I could hear each word clearly with my newfound superhuman hearing. I was starting to see the downside to all of these enhancements. I looked around the room discreetly. Somewhere in the noise, I managed to hear Cadence's voice.

"Meet me in the hallway," he said. At this point, I didn't care that I was going to see Cadence of all people. I just wanted out of there. I asked to go to the bathroom and she agreed immediately. I think she was scared I was going to have another episode or something. I quickly left and closed the door behind me. Cadence was already waiting for me. He pulled me down the hall and into a secluded area of school, shocking me in the process. We were under the staircase. This place was pretty hidden and you couldn't see it unless you were purposefully looking for it. It was a popular make out spot.

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