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Welcome to Part two of Would you hate us if you knew!

I hope you like the story picture.

I hope you enjoy!

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

It had nearly been 100 years since the eves and died. And the world was still the same and in a way it hadn't.

Doubt Doubt had been keeping an eye on the Alicein family as Gear had told them that the eves would be born into the same family. Unfortunately, after a tragic fire at the Alicein Mansion, the family has moved to a different part of Tokyo.

Even World End had lost track of his beloved's family.

And Johannes guessed the others didn't really wanna go near their families as the pain was too much.

"You can come out now. They're gone." The scientist said from the counter.

The black snake slithered out from the shelf it had been sleeping on. And with a puff of smoke Doubt Doubt was standing next to the shelf. Without saying anything he walked into the back to finish a bottle boat. Johannes had the urge to call the room the bottle boat making room as the Servamp was always in there.

He guessed it was one of those days. These days he could hardly get even a word out of him. It had already been 50 years since the departure of All of Love who was there one day and gone the next. No note, not even a goodbye. The grief and mourning probably got to much for the Servamp of Lust to handle so he had left.

Doubt Doubt had searched for him for a week before giving up. He still cried over that loss of his brother, and had complete shut down. But he only saw a very worried older brother, concerned about his younger brother. What was worse the Servamp of Envy had called his siblings. And those who actually picked up who were World End, Sleepy Ash and The Mother and told them he hadn't seen him just made it worse.

The shops door bell pulled Johan from his thoughts. He looked up to see Mari and Yuri at the door. All of Love's subclasses. He walked over and opened the door. "Hey, you two. Are you okay?"

"Is Doubt Doubt here?" Yuri asked.

"Sure, he's in the back." Johannes said. "Doubt!" He called.

The three paper bags appeared from the door to the back. Once he saw the subclasses he rushed forward. And knelt in front of them. Johannes went and sat on the stairs. That's when he spotted Bad-B and Good-B peering down from the second floor. The subclasses had also been worried sick about their master. The scientist had seen them on multiple occasions go out at night in hoping of finding the Servamp of Lust. But they always came up empty each time.

Doubt Doubt didn't say anything and waited for them to talk.

"Umm.... Has master Love returned yet?" Mari asked.

The Servamp shook his head. And Yuri began crying. Mari tried to comfort her but she too ended up crying. The Servamp wrapped his long arms around the two and pulled them into an embrace. "It'll be okay." He told them.

"But what if Master All of Love doesn't return? What will we do?" Yuri cried.

The Servamp pulled back and used his sleeve to wipe their tears away. "He'll come back. He loves you guys too much to stay away. Just give him time. Losing Misono... He just needs time to grieve by himself."

"Do you miss master Mikuni?" Mari asked.

"Yes I do. A lot. But people grieve for lost ones differently. And if Love's way of grieving is to go off on his own then who is to stop him?" Doubt Doubt smiled.

"Thanks. Doubt. Yuri we should get going. Mistress hates it when we're out too late." Mari pulled at her sisters clothes.

"Sure. Bye Doubt!" And the two were gone.

The Servamp stood and made his way back to the back room only to pause when the scientist called his name. "Hey, Doubt I have something for you. I took me a while to find. But here!"

He handed him a photograph of when Mikuni first brought the shop. He wanted a photo to remember the occasion and Johan had already mostly moved in so he was included in the photo along with the Servamp. "Thanks." The Servamp smiled, hugging the picture.

Johannes was about to say something else when Bad-B shouted from upstairs. "Hey, there is a mentor shower happening come and see!"

The two walked up and climbed into the roof. They all say there and watched the show.

"I wonder if your siblings are seeing this Master Doubt Doubt." Bad-B wondered out loud.

"Probably." The Servamp muttered.

"Say where are your siblings now?" Johan asked curious.

Doubt Doubt sighed and leaned back on his hands. "Sister is in France with her new eve."

"She has a new eve?"

"She told me that she knows she'll never have a relationship like the one she had with Iduna, however she has grieved and moved on. She would rather be helping people rather than sitting around and doing nothing." The Servamp explained.

"That's... mature. What about the others?" Good-B joined in the conversation.

"Lawless is still with World End, but he's getting better. Each day. Ash is still with Gear." The Servamp replied.

"What about the others?" Johannes asked.

"Whose Coming, All of Love, Old Child haven't replied. They don't."

"Hope they are seeing this meteor shower as well."

Then the Servamps phone rang. It was an invite to a video call. His heart skipped a beat when it was Lawless who had sent him the invite. He accepted of course.

And it wasn't only him.

Sleepy Ash.

The Mother.

Old Child.

Whose Coming and All of Love had also accepted the invite as well.

"Hey guys! Are you seeing this?" Lawless moves his phone so they could see the meteor shower behind him.

"Of course they can, you idiot." World End appeared on Lawless's camera.

"What a pain... Why did you invite me?" Sleepy Ash sighed. His camera also showed him on the roof of what it looked like a house in the countryside.

"I just thought we should be together on today. And as we are all in separate countries this was the only way." Lawless sighed.

"It is the aniversary of their deaths. It's okay Lawless. It's understandable that you don't want to be alone." The purple haired told her little brother, ignoring World End's mumble of, "But he isn't alone."

"Oh how's your eve big sis?" Lawless asked.

"Eh? You got a new eve?" Old Child exclaimed.

"Yeah. But they died last week. At least C3 are not coming after me." She nodded.

"Well with young Shuhei as manger we should be safe from C3." All of Love sighed. "Also sorry for worrying you big brother. I just needed time alone."

"No need to apologize, Love. I completely understand." Doubt Doubt mumbled.

"Oh. Does anyone know where the seasons went off to?" Whose Coming asked.

"Who knows. They are more ancient then us. So they are probably much better at hiding." Sleepy Ash yawned.

Then there was silence as the siblings all enjoyed each others sort of presence and enjoyed the meteor shower.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Eves appear in the first chapter.
Hope you like this.

Would you hate us if you knew. Part two: The presentWhere stories live. Discover now