Chapter 13

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I hope you are all having an amazing start to the new year!

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

The first two classes went by in a flash, mostly because Sada had slept through the classes. And before he knew it he was walking towards the archery ring with everyone beside him, expect for Tsuki who was hiding and Mitaka who had stepped away to answer a call.

If Sada remembered correctly there were two other schools were competing for archery, Silverdale high, who won last year, and Oceanview High, who is terrible at archery so why they decided to pick this sport, only the universe knew the answer to that. Sada left the others to find Tsubaki with Mitsuro and Maya.

"Has anyone seen Naoki?" Maya asked looking around.

Mitsuro shrugged. "He's probably with Illido somewhere."

"Well I hope he isn't late. So Sada doing anything later?" The brunette turned to his green haired friend.

"Ah, yeah. Me and Tsubaki are going out for a few drinks." Sada said making his friend stop and stare at him. "What?"

"Okay, who are you and what have you done to Sada? Because the Sada I know doesn't go out for drinks!" Mitsuro stared at him as if he had grown a second head.

"I'm just trying something new for a change and Tsubaki was the one who asked me this morning." Sada said embarrassedly.

Maya laughed wrapping an arm around Mitsuro. "Whatever makes you happy Sada. Just don't stay out to late or have more than 2 drinks. Cause we all know what happens when you have more than 2 drinks."

Sada sighed. "Yes mummy!" And leaned back dodging Maya's attempt at hitting him.

"Who are you calling Mummy?" Maya glared.

Mitsuro laughed and pulled Maya by the hand leading him away. "Let's go before all the best seats are taken." Maya laughed and followed.

"Thank you!" Sada mouthed. Mitsuro winked in return leading Maya away so Sada could go and find his teammate.

Mitsuro and Maya sat next to Naoki in seating area. They were also sitting beside Tensei who wasn't happy.

"What's wrong with you?" Mitsuro asked peering past Maya, and at the same time not wanting an answer.

Tensei just pointed over his shoulder at Hyde who was sitting behind him looking over his shoulder, not looking up from his phone.

Before Mitsuro could say anything, Lucian and Aurora arrived. "Good morning everyone!" Lucian said sitting down next to Naoki.

"It must be a blue moon tonight." Tensei commented glancing up.

Lucian look over his friends to stare at the angel. "Why would that be wannabe angel!"

Tensei stood. "Who are you calling a wannabe angel......" Tensei trailed off.

Lucian laughed. "What run out of insults in your insult diary?"

Tensei sat down muttering something about googling insults later.

Lucian laughed. "You need Google to create insults? That's hilarious. Ever tried a dictionary?"

Tensei looked up glaring. "Says the leprechaun!"

Now it was Lucian's turn to glare. "When will you stop insulting my county?"

"When you stop calling me an angel wannabe! Seems like I'm not the only one who needs to look at a dictionary." Tensei shot back as he stood.

Lucian stood as well and the two glared at each other as if challenging each other to make the first move.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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