Chapter 2

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{After school}

Mitsuro and Maya were the last to the gate as they had assignments to finish in the library and had lost track of time.

Mitaka smiled when he saw them. He hadn't wanted to leave without his precious baby brother. "Now that you have arrived let's go!"

Tensei spun around and glared at him. He had been annoyed that Mitaka had made them wait at the gate. "Don't start acting like you're the boss!"

Tsuki giggled. He had been enjoying Tensei's frustration and he wanted to poke at him a bit for fun. "Technically we are older than you! So yeah, it makes us the boss of you."

Tensei turned his glare to the black head. "One, I was not talking to you!" Then he turned back to the blonde. "Two, you act like a 5 year old half the time. And you can't talk." He says to Tsuki as he begins to laugh. "And three no one is the boss of me cause I'm an angel." He does his usual pose, which makes everyone stare at him.

Mitsuro frowned. He had seen it before so he wasn't that surprised.

Tsuki just laughed. Every time he thought it was hilarious.

Maya's face was completely blank, he was just waiting for his friend to finish their conversation so they could go.

Naoki and Jasmine weren't even paying attention. They were too busy talking amongst themselves.

Mitaka, from his expression, obviously thought the situation was very funny.

Tensei and Tsuki ended up having an argument. Sada and Mitaka tried to break it up but ended up joining the argument.

Mitsuro was getting impatient. "Can we go already?" He grumbled. Maya laughed and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Mitsuro wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist.

Jasmine took a photo of the cute couple. "Well me and Naoki are heading out now. We're gonna go and pick up Souta and Theo." She sighs as she watches the argument. 'How can they be so nosy? Poor Mitsuro and Maya for having to put up with them.'

Sada turned to them obviously fed up with the pointless argument. "Where are Kyle and Ryan?"

"They have already left. And I don't blame them for leaving early." Naoki told him. "Shall we go Jasmine?" As he just wanted to get away from all this noise.

"Sure. See you tomorrow you two!" Jasmine called as they walked off.

"Let's just go. They'll catch up eventually!" Mitsuro sighed in frustration.

So Mitsuro, Maya and Sada walked away ignoring their squabbling friends.

It took the trio 10 minutes to realize that their friends were gone. And they ran to catch up.

While all six of them were walking down the street Mitsuro, Sada and Maya were discussing their homework. Tensei was tapping on his phone as he walked and Mitaka was busy playing with his doll.

Tsuki suddenly got a new idea. "Hey, Mitaka so how was English? Cause I didn't see you in class. Let me guess you slipped to hang out with Valerie or Violet? Why do you like black heads so much?" The golden eyes boy grinned.

Mitaka froze. He glared at the other boy like he wanted to kill him. If a certain someone didn't end up killing him first.

"Is that true Mitaka?" Mitsuro asked with a tone that told the older boy that he was indeed in trouble.

"What no? Tsuki is lying." Mitaka accused.

Tsuki reached into his pocket and took out his phone. He scrolled through his contacts. "I can call Jasmine as she is in our class. Let's see what she has to say."

Would you hate us if you knew. Part two: The presentWhere stories live. Discover now