Chapter 4

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{Wonderland Mansion}

Mitaka woke up to something unexpected. Someone had dumped a bucket of water on him. And that someone was his little brother.

"Wake up." Mitsuro declared. "It's a beautiful day. Time for school."

Mitaka looked out the window. It was sunny. He wished it was raining. "Fine. Give me a minute."

Mitsuro marched out and downstairs to see his little sister in her uniform. "Hey, you. Excited for school?"

"Yes! We are doing painting today I think." Margret said thinking. "Here's the driver. See you big bro. Where is Mitaka?"

"Thinking over the consequences I'm giving him if we are late." Mitsuro smiled. "Have a good day! MITAKA WONDERLAND! Get down here right now!" Mitsuro shouted up the staircase.

He must have scared his older brother because he came bolting down the staircase and out the front door.

"Bye mum!" Mitsuro said in the direction of the kitchen before running after his brother.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

"Wake up you two!"

Maya woke up to the sound of Tsuki's voice and Sada's presence next to him. They had decided for Sada's safety he would spend the night at their place. "Morning big bro." And he got up after shaking Sada awake.

"I'm up." And they entered the kitchen where Tsuki was making breakfast. "Pancakes for my favorite brother."

Maya chuckled. "Um... I'm your only brother."

"That's why your my favorite!" Tsuki laughed.

"You're so weird." Sada said mouth full of pancakes.

Maya whacked him on the shoulder. "No talking with your mouth full!"

"Shh. Mum's coming!" Tsuki hushed.

Even Sada, who had stayed over multiple times knew, when their mum came out in the morning, it's best to be quiet.

"Morning, Tsuki."

"Morning mum." He muttered.

After they finished eating, they walked out the door and headed off down the street, only to be met with Mitaka running towards them. Mitaka jumped to hide behind Tsuki, who was as surprised as everyone else.

Maya was about to ask what was going on, when Mitsuro ran down the street and came to a stop to catch his breath. "Mitaka don't ran away like that!"

"You yelled at me!" Mitaka said from behind Tsuki.

"I don't want to be late. I was yelling at you to hurry up." Mitsuro leaned against Maya.

"You scared me!"

"Stop acting like a baby!"

Maya decided to interven before someone ended up getting hurt. "Let's get going, or else we'll be late!"

They walked off. Mitsuro walked with Sada and Maya while Mitaka and Tsuki walked behind them.

"So your parents were arguing again. About what this time?" Mitsuro asked.

"I don't know." Sada looked down. "Probably mum trying to leave and dad not letting her. I feel bad for my sister to be there."

"Well, she is the most stubborn, strong and brave girl I've ever met. She can handle it." Maya told him. He had met her a few times.

Sarah Forest, 20 years old, dark green hair and emerald coloured eyes. She is in university studying to be a councilor so she can help other people with their problems. She is strong, stubborn and cares more about her little brother then herself. Whenever her parents fight she opens the window and gets him out of the house, and she keeps the window open for him to return.

Would you hate us if you knew. Part two: The presentWhere stories live. Discover now