Chapter 10

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The next morning no one wanted to get out of bed. But they had to. Cause no matter how much they wanted the world to stop, it was still went on.

Tensei yawned as he woke to find Hyde staring down at him. The angel and Sada had been talking for some of the night and had fallen asleep in Tensei's bed. But what was strange was that the annoying pest looked a tiny bit jealous. He couldn't care less though. "Rise and shine Sada!" He said loudly as he got out of bed.

Sada groaned. "Do I have to?" He said into the pillow.

"Yes, if you don't want an angry Maya!" Tensei responded as he walked into the bathroom.

Sada groaned as he jumped out of bed. "You're right. Imma go and get my uniform on." He opened the door and walked out bumping into Mitsuro who was walking back to his room. "Morning, shorty."

Mitsuro yawned. "Good morning." He said and vanished into his room.

Sada yawned and walked into his room. Tsubaki was obviously still in bed. "Rise and shine, crazy!" Sada called before grabbing his uniform and vanishing into the bathroom.

"And good morning to you too." Tsubaki chipped as he jumped out of bed.

"Whats gotten you so chipper this morning?" Sada asked, but he couldn't care less.

"Because I wanna see what all the fuss about this physical exam is all about." Tsubaki starting laughing like a manic, which was interrupted by an eraser being thrown at his face.

"Hurry up, or we'll be late." Sada shouted over his shoulder as walked out.

When everyone was ready, they peered aorund the corner of the corridor and down the stairs. It was empty. Tsuki walked past and down the stairs. "Eeze up guys. They won't show up til the exam starts."

"That doesn't mean they won't try and target us throughout the day." Tensei snapped. He so didn't want a scene like last year.

"I agree with Tensei! I don't see any harm in skipping today." Mitsuro commented.

"Absolutely not!" Maya snapped from behind them. "We are going and that's final!" He said in his Student Council voice.

They all gulped. No one wanted to argue with him. "Aye aye, captain!" They all said with zero enthusiasm and started down the stairs.

Upon reaching the school they all seperated to head to class. The first years were having their physical exam that morning.

However, no one could concentrate. As they were too busy worrying about what the girls were whispering about.

"Class 2-A please come to the hall for your physical exam." Came over the intercom.

Maya stood and swallowed. "Alright no dawdling let's go."

Everyone walked out after him. A teacher was waiting there for them. "We'll be going in alphabetical order. Honey Blossom and Kyle Brown, your first."

Kyle sighed. It really was a pain being at the top of the role. Well better to get this over with. He sighed. And joined the honey coloured haired girl. Honey Blossom is the shy girl of Class 2-A. She also had a huge crush on Tensei. But being she was too shy to ask him, which was probably good, for her own safety.

The two went into separate rooms. Girls and boys go into separate rooms for privacy purposes.

Maya and the others waited outside the hall. When Kyle came out he was wearing a black collar and was carrying out an ID card.

Mitsuro looked over. "Kyle? Is everything okay?"

Kyle was so deep in thought that he walked past as though he hadn't heard them and walked in the direction of the school library. Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Honey came out a few minutes later. The teacher turned back to everyone and announced the next names, which included Sada.

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