Chapter 3

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{At the Rain house}

Maya was out of bed as usual and ready to go. His brother however, let's just say if they were ever late he was the reason. The brunette marched up to the door and banged on it. "Oi! Lazy. Outta bed or we will be late!"

A groan came from his room. "5 minutes!"

"To get ready before I march in there!" Maya scolded before walking out to the kitchen. Their dad had already gone to work and their mum was in hospital as the due date for their baby sister was today at sometime.

Tsuki emerged from the hallway half awake. "I'm up!"

Maya shoved toast in his mouth. "The student council meeting is today and it's early so we need to leave now!" And with that Maya dragged his brother out of the house and locked the door behind them. Sada was waiting at the gate as usual.

Since they were neighbors he could easily hear if they were awake. And let's just say he dislikes walking to school alone. "Good morning! What's up?" He followed the two down the street.

"Student council meeting. And I need to get there early as the teacher wants to speak to all the class representatives." Maya explained as they walked.

"Why so early? When will the dorms be done? I can sleep in if we are closer to school." Tsuki complained as he ate his toast.

"Don't eat with your mouth full!" Sada said with disgust in his voice.

They met Mitsuro at the end of the street. "Hey."

"Where is Taka-chan?" Tsuki complained.

Mitsuro frowned. "He didn't get up when I told him to so he can stay behind, for all I care."

And they walked off.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Maya walked into the classroom holding a pile of papers. He walked in and stopped in front of the class. He stood there waiting for the class to stop chatting.

Sada was laughing his head off at what Maya guessed was Ryan and Kyle reactions to his creepy story as usual. Mitsuro was reading a books ignoring them as usual.

"Hey! Can I have your attention?" Maya said smiling.

Everyone looked at Maya.

"Thank you! Now I am pleased to inform you that the dorms are finished and will be available to use next week!" Maya told them.

"Finally! Now there will be no need for long walking to get to school!" Sada shouted.

"Or riding the bus."

"Or getting up early!"

"You still have to get up early to get to class in time!" Maya told them. "Anyway whoever wants a dorm, I have the sign up sheets."

The class immediately stood and crowded around him to get a sign up sheet.

"Hand it in at the end of the day!" Maya chuckled.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Jasmine had just finished and handed in her dorm sign up sheet when Mitaka walked in. "Good morning!"

"Morning." He mumbled as he walked past.

"What took you so long?" Tsuki immediately smirked as the blonde sat down.

"Mitsuro didn't wake me up this morning so I had to get our driver to drop me off this morning." Mitaka placed his head on his desk.

"Student council meeting this morning. Also if you want a dorm sign up sheet you better go and get one." Tsuki chuckled as Mitaka jumped up and ran to the front to get one. He place his arms on his desk before laying his head on them. He smiled at Mitaka's happiness when he managed to get a dorm sign up sheet, but not before he argued with the class president.

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