Chapter 1

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Years later.

It was a warm morning in May, a Monday. And at 8:30am a group of teenagers crossed through the park on the way to school.

"Get back here and stop running, Mitaka!" A purple haired boy shouted as he chased his older brother through the park as he had thought it had been funny to pick a fight with him first thing in the morning. His amethyst coloured eyes filled with rage sparkled in the morning sun. His pocket watch which hung around his neck banged against his chest as he ran.

"I would if you would stop chasing me, and glaring at me like you're gonna kill me!" Mitaka, yelled back while running away clutching his precious doll. His orange coloured dyed plaits that tapped against his neck as he ran stood out against his sun coloured hair, that could be seen under that cowboy hat he always wears along with his orange and yellow scarf. His hazel eyes, filled with amusement and fear sparkled in the sunlight.

"I would if you quit running away! And it's your fault for insulting me this morning!" The younger of the siblings launched himself at his brother only to stumble as the blonde dodged, spinning away.

"It was funny! Even Yuri and Mari agreed! I didn't know you could be so clumsy! You literally tripped over thin air!"

"You... You'll pay for that!" He yelled as he finally grabbed his older brother and began to shake him senseless.

"Could you keep it down? This angel doesn't need a headache first thing in the morning!" A raised familiar voice made the siblings freeze.

Walking towards them were the two they were supposed to be walking to school with but unfortunately Mitsuro had bolted after his brother chasing him down the street. A black head with a white streak and who always wore black backpack with angel wings was walking towards them with a brown haired boy.

Tensei and Maya.

Tensei Licht Jekylland Heaven was one of their childhood friends, named after an ancestor who had played the piano as well as he does. 16 years old, he has jet black hair with a white streak though it along with blue eyes. He is famous for his piano playing. However to his friends, he wanted to play more instruments than the piano. His parents just forced him to play piano. He secretly placed the violin in secret. He also calls himself an angel for unknown reasons.

With him is Maya Rain, another childhood friend of the two siblings. 15 nearly 16 years old, he has brown hair and brown eyes. He likes simple things and dislikes complicated situations. And is known by many names, like the class chef, housewife and Mr simple. But no one dares to call him those to his face as he is on the student council, and in charge of discipline at the school, as well as the class president. His dream is to be a chef and open his own cafe one day. Unfortunately his not so nice dad wants him to be a police officer like he was.

"Tensei is right. And if you keep arguing we'll be late. Why can't you two get along more?" Maya asked as he walked up to his boyfriend.

Oh, did I forget to mention that Mitsuro and Maya are dating?


Mitsuro hugged his boyfriend, holding his hand as they walked. "One, we may be brothers but that doesn't mean we have to get along. And two, if you had a brother as annoying as he is, you would be annoyed every time he opened his mouth!" He glared over his shoulder at the blonde as they walked.

Mitaka was busy pretending to look offended. "That's so mean little bro!" He complains as he goes back to talking to his doll.

Mitsuro and Mitaka are children of the Wonderland family, descendants of the Aliceins. However instead of going to a private school like all rich kids, they wanted to go to the public school where their friends were.

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