Dom and Sub information

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This is all the info.
Please read before proceeding with the rest of the story or else you might not understand some of what is being said.

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Dom and Sub information.

A second sexuality spectrum was discovered by humans. In addition to male and female, there is a type of sex known as "Dynamic" or in other words, Dom and Sub.

There are three types of Dynamics.

Dom. Sub. And switch.

Doms, who wish to control others, rule, punish, protect and be trusted by their partner. And Subs who instinctively wish to be controlled, be ruled, be punished, be protected, be praised, serve.

Aside from Doms end Subs there are "normal" people who are low on desire so they don't desire release, as much as a Dynamic. "Normals" make up most of the population. Another way of saying it is that the best majority of the population are not on the sexuality spectrum.

Then there are the "switches". They can switch between Dom and Sub attributes. But each "switch" is either a Sub that can switch their attributes to a Dom but their body is that of a sub or a Dom that can switch their attributes to that of a sub but their body is that of a Dom. This category of the sexuality spectrum are rare to see.

Doms, Subs and switches are diagnosed with their second gender between the ages of 16 - 18, as coming to the age of 19 is when they start to desire the opposite dynamic.

Now desire varies across individuals. Those with strong desires can, when left unsatisfied, experience illness or disturbances on there autonamic nervous system, taking a toll on their mind and body. This is generally treated by either taking medication to suppress their desires, which only works until they find a compatible partner, or finding an opposite- dynamic partner that they are compatible with so they can release their desires.

Medication only works for Subs. When they experience illness due to them being unsatisfied, symptoms include; Nausea, insomnia, dizziness, irritability and lethargy.

(In case you don't know what the words mean, Lethargy means lack of energy and enthusiasm. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Irritability is a feeling of agitation and you're more likely to become frustrated or upset easily.)

Subs start off with a black collar. The colour of the collar tells people what there status is. A black collar means that they are a registered sub, and they currently don't have a partner. A coloured collar that usually has a name of their partner on it, means that they are already taken. A grey coloured collar means that they are taken but they are for some reason separated from their partner. A white coloured collar means the wearer is a switch that has the body of a sub. Collars can only be opened by the wearer.

To become partner the Dom must release into their sub to form a bond. The other more less pleasant way, is biting them, marking them with a bond mark. This method is rarely used as it causes great harm and pain to the Sub.

These are words that will most likely come up thoughout the story. Here is an explanation for these words. 

Defence mode: is a state of high alert experienced by Doms when trying to protect their partners. Accompanied by a fierce glare to intimate other Doms and this usually scares Subs, especially subs who fear the gaze of a Dom, cause when they aren't careful their gaze can be a bit overpowering to some.

Subspace: An all- consuming state of Euphoria that may be experienced by a sub when under the control of a Dom.

Subdrop: when a sub has reached their limit or being pushed into doing something they don't want to do and end up crashing and feeling depressed after play. This usually happens after being punished, too cruelty.

Safeword: a word mutually agreed upon for safety purposes that can be said at anytime to stop a scene.

Command: an order the Dom gives the Sub during play, that the Sub must obey.

Glare: the act by a Dom of looking at their partner with overpowering malice.

Praise: praised like good boy and good job are common in play. It fills the Sub with joy, as subs are pleased and happy when they have pleased their partner.

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I hope the explanations were okay. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

I am currently writing the next chapter right now as you read this.

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