Chapter 7

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{Lunch time}

Maya was walking to the cafeteria alone. Sada has had art so he was on the other side of campus, Mitsuro had told him he had something to do so he walked off and Ryan and Kyle had vanished. So here he was walking alone.

"Excuse me?" Came a familiar voice behind him.

He turned to see Lily standing behind him. "Oh. Hey Lily. What's up?"

Lily smiled. "I was wondering if you could show me the way to the cafeteria? I'm meeting my siblings there."

Maya of course was happy to help. "Sure follow me!" And the two walked off together chatting.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Jasmine was the first one at the table, not counting Mitaka and Tsuki who were too busy arguing to even sit down.

Next was Tensei with Hyde and Illido tagging along.

Hyde has wanted to sit next to Tensei but he got a kick in the butt before he could finish his question and end up sitting on the other side of the table, between Illido and Freya.

Next was Mitsuro who had bumped into Maya and Lily in the corridor.

Mitaka and Tsuki finally sat down, although they kept squabbling until Mitsuro told them to pipe down.

Everyone was soon sitting down eating.

"Where is Naoki?" Mitsuro asked Tensei down the table.

"He ran off saying he had something to do." Tensei replied kicking Hyde under the table.

"Okay. Question: Who are these guys?" Tsuki asked. He obviously knew Kuro, Jeje and Freya as they were in the same class but the others, he didn't know.

Hyde smiled. "Hello I'm Hyde, Tensei's roommate and classmate."

"No one cares!" Tensei said throwing the salt down the table, which Hyde caught easily.

"You'll have to do better than that angel-babe!" Hyde winked.

Tsuki laughed. He liked Hyde already.

The others just watched the scene with surprise, scared and shocked.

Tensei growled in frustration and was about to shout at him, but Maya gave him one of his 'don't you dare looks'. Tensei huffed and turned around in his seat looking the opposite way. "Roommate my arse. Personal demon, more like it." He mumbled.

"That is Hyde, this clown is Tsubaki. That eating machine is Illido and the pervert over there is Lily." Freya pointed to each of them before anyone could cause another ruckus.

"Clown?" Tsubaki suddenly felt insulted.

"That?" Hyde stared at his sister.

"Eating machine?" Illido grumbled with food in his mouth.

And Lily wasn't paying attention. Heck he wasn't even at the table. He was busy flirting with some first years. Mitsuro watched for a few seconds before standing up. "I'll be right back." He told them before marching across the cafeteria, grabbing Lily and yanking him towards the table. "They were first years! No flirting with first years." Mitsuro let go when they reached the table and sat back down.

Tsuki began laughing again like a manic, then something flew past everyone and right into Tsuki's open mouth.

Everyone stared down the table at Tensei who had had enough of Tsuki's laughter and had thrown his sushi at him, getting him in the mouth shutting him up. "Bull's-eye." Was all Tensei said and the whole table burst into laughter.

Would you hate us if you knew. Part two: The presentWhere stories live. Discover now