Chapter 8

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The sun shone through the curtains as Maya woke up. Stretching, he looked over at his roommate who had somehow managed to wrap himself in his blankets like a cocoon. The brunette stood and looked at his alarm clock. Another half an hour until it was supposed to go off, so what had woken him up.

That's when he heard the arguing. Sounded like Sada. Just great. The first morning in the dorms and there was arguing already.

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Tensei had had a wonderful sleep. Which was unusual. Even having sleepovers with his friends, he had a hard time sleeping. He opened his eyes. And his blue eyes darted over to the clock on his bedside table. Half an hour early. That's rare.

Tensei and the others, minus Maya, had made a rule. Wake up before Maya does, if you wanted to live. He opened his eyes and stared up at the white ceiling of the dorms.

He heard a noise. Like someone breathing, which shouldn't be there as he was alone in his bed. Then he remembered he had a roommate.

'Even when he's asleep, he annoys me!' Tensei sat up and stared across the room at the empty bed.

The bed was empty.....

Besides that sleeping sounded awfully close.

Tensei looked down at his bed to find Hyde sleeping next to him. However anger wasn't what filled him. Joy was the emotion that flowed through him. For some reason he was happy that Hyde was sleeping next to him. But why? Tensei looked closer, the blonde was kinda handsome, when he wasn't being a loud mouth. He frowned and lifted a hand and placed it on his friends head.

Tensei froze. Wait... Did he actually just think of him as a friend?

Hyde stirred and slowly opened his eyes. Tensei quickly pulled his hand away and accidentally pushed him out of his bed. He didn't want the hedgehog to see him blushing. Cause then he would ask why and he didn't even know why he was blushing.

Wait... Where the hell did hedgehog come from?? What the hell was happening to him this morning?

There are lots of things strange about this picture.

"Ow! Geez, have you ever heard of asking with words?" Hyde sat up rubbing his head.

"Says the one in my bed!" Tensei yawned and stood walking for the bathroom. "Now hurry up and get ready for class." He snapped vanishing into the bathroom.

Hyde huffed, but stayed sitting on the ground. He stared sadly at the black fluffy carpet. "I just couldn't help myself."

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Last night:

Tensei had finished his homework and had gone straight to bed. Hyde on the other hand had gone to play video games with Tsubaki. That was until the green head had kicked him out, shouting at Tsubaki to go to sleep.

Hyde crept quietly back into the room hoping to not wake the sleeping angel. He knew all too well that that was a bad idea. He walked in and changed into his hedgehog pyjamas. He sat on his bed and glanced across the room at the sleeping angel. He looked out the window at the moon. Moonlight shone through the window hitting his bed and with a puff of smoke a black and white hedgehog now sat in the servamps place.

Without stopping himself he jumped off the bed and walked across the room, once he was out of the moonlight with a puff of smoke he was in his human form again.

(If you're confused C3 came up with a potion that allows them to travel in sunlight, however the moon is like the sun to them, when exposed they transform into their animal forms. The potion also allows them to use their previous given name.)

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