Chapter 5

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The rest of the week was uneventful.

Mitaka and Tsuki avoided each other all week. Which made lunch quiet and peaceful as neither showed up in the cafeteria.

Sada tricked several people when they were playing Kahoot. He had shouted red when the answer was blue and laughed like a manic when he had managed to fool 15 people. And he got whacked by Ryan as he was one of the 15 people who got tricked.

Tensei started a fight during break when someone wouldn't get out of his way and ended up in detention the next day.

Saturday Sada and Theo went to see It Chapter 2.

Maya and Mitsuro went on a date to celebrate their one year anniversary.

Tensei had his concert under his new manager.

Mitaka spent the weekend playing dress up with Margret, when he wasn't hiding in his room.

And over the weekend Shuhei and the others made a decision they would have a impact on everyone.

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{Next Monday.}

"Mitaka! We are going to be late!" Mitsuro knocked on his older brother's door. He was worried about him. After avoiding Tsuki the rest of the week, he didn't come out of his room for the weekend. And now they were gonna be late if he didn't get out of bed. After a few more attempts he gave up. "Fine. If you end up late, not my problem!" And Mitsuro ran to the door.

Mitsuro got to Maya's street as they were walking down the main road. "Wait up!"

Sada and Maya stopped. "Where is Mitaka?" Maya asked.

"Obviously wants to play the late to school game. Which I obviously want no part in." Mitsuro huffed.

"Well Tsuki is playing that game as well. He didn't come out of his room either." Maya wrapped an arm around Mitsuro's lower back as they walked.

"Tensei texted me this morning. He want to school early. So it's just us." Sada told them. "Good riddance too. I can't stand those two. Avoiding each other and dancing around their feelings. It's silly."

"At least you don't have to live with them!" Mitsuro glared up at him.

"And you won't have to anymore. Remember, the dorms open up This week. This time tomorrow we will be walking from our dorms!" Sada reminded them.

"Finally." Maya breathed out.

They chatted all the way to school.

The walked into their homeroom and sat down.

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"Hey Jasmine!" Aurora walked over and sat down next to her.

"Good morning!" Jasmine hugged her friend.

"Where are the boys?" The red head asked noticing the absence of the two troublemakers.

Jasmine leaned her head against the girls chest. "I expect we won't see them til next class. Or half way through the day!"

"Oh. So it's one of those days huh? Oh look they must be the new kids!" Aurora looked at the front of the class.

Jasmine looked up and her eyes widened.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

Sada was pretending to sleep. It was history class so no one blamed him. Mr Guilderstern wanted a new seating arrangement. Now the desk instead of being in pairs were in groups. Sada and the others had gone straight for the table group at the back of the class.

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